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14-05-14, 01:30
This panic is different!! usually my panic attacks will start with me breathing hard cant catch my breath going numb all over! This time time i got extremely light headed, weak, 2 fingers on my left hand started to hurt and a bit of a burning sensation on my left arm also so my body felt numb!
my breathing was fine! So i was really confused!
I broke down crying to my husband, held held me and talked me through it, im still trying to regain control!!!!


14-05-14, 02:21
Hi Eve

I really do feel ya pain lately. What you had doesn't sound like a panic attack to me because mine are always the same. Sounds like severe anxiety to me from thinking about how light-headed you were and then your fingers going numb. I'm glad you have someone there to help you:yesyes: That being said some people say they have different types of panic rather than an actual panic attack. Either way Eve, it was very unpleasant but it has gone now. Please waste no more time thinking why why why, but get some sleep. It's ALL anxiety playing tricks on you so be strong (note to self ~ must take own advice:winks:).

Please take care.


14-05-14, 02:43
Hi, Eve, hunni ...
I agree with Els. It's time for you to put down the laptop lid (or your phone, whichever) and go to bed. ALSO, it is of note that I'll bet it was getting close on to time to take your pill, right? PLUS ... I am still getting on and off side effects occasionally with my med, and I don't think you've been taking yours as long as me. I guess I expected it to all settle out at once, but our bodies just don't work that way! Better day tomorrow!! :bighug1:

14-05-14, 03:44
Thank you lady's! I did try and sleep but kept waking up in a panic finding it hard to breath, so now im watching a movie!
I don't like being up alone..

14-05-14, 04:14
Hubby's there though, right? Just sleeping? Mine works 12 hour shifts too, so if he's home, he's asleep, pretty much! Lol! Good to have found a movie :yesyes: Enjoy!

14-05-14, 04:17
Lol omg, you hit the nail on the head, lol yes he is sleep!!