View Full Version : BP high - How long before I can expect it to normalise?

14-05-14, 02:30
Hi there lovely forum people,

It's been absolutely ages since I posted here but I come and read and get perspective regularly. But I need some specific perspective from people who have been in this situation

I had to go to the docs earlier this week for my scheduled Pap test. Sent me into an absolute panic because I flashed back to two years ago when I had my test and they found a giant ovarian cyst which had to be removed (all great and positive outcomes, I'm pleased to say). But White Coat Syndrome and fear of tests sent me into anxiety overdrive on the back of about 3 weeks of major life stress.

So when she took my BP (I warned her about my anxiety) it was high ...157/84. She has prescribed valium for my anxiety. She didn't suggest I need it monitored further but I went to the pharmacy again yesterday to see if it had come down and it hasn't.

So I am of course stressing about it all. Logically...I know that the stress is elevating my BP. But just wonder how quickly I can expect it to drop if the stress declines. Should I be checking it daily or wait a week after a bit of time with Prince Valium?

Needless to say with work and financial stress I would prefer not to now stress about health too. Any tips on how to manage this will be gratefully received.

Thanks in advance

14-05-14, 08:41
Hi there,
I dont see your BP as being a problem. Normal is considered 120/80. I am overweight and highly anxious at the best of times since my husbands death and at its worst, mine was 132/109. I was put on beta blockers to lower my heart rate and told to get weight off.

I used to have a bit of an obsession taking mine every day maybe 5 or 6 times. I actually gave myself a sore upper arm because I was doing it so often and the muscle was constantly being squeezed by the cuff!! Now I get it done once a week in my place of work.

Def wouldnt worry about being..../84!!!