View Full Version : Sharing something that works!

14-05-14, 04:21
Hi guys,
I am a veteran to this site. I am sane because of the wonderful information I have found here. My health anxiety has made me over the years do what we all do best....research the cause of my illness...but I did so w my real illness, health anxiety because to me this is not normal! There has to be a reason why we think and worry like we do! I have a thyroid issue but I also have found out that I don't break down folic acid into methofolate. Most people think folic acid is just for healthy babies. That is not true though because Methofolate gives your brain what it needs to think normal rational thoughts. If you can't convert, Methofolate can be bought over the counter, but it can also be a prescription. My dr. Has given me Deplin, prescription methofolate and in 4 days I am back to normal! I took it a few years back and it worked. I am not sure why I stopped, but I started it back up 4 days ago and I'm no longer prodding at my muscles looking for cancer! I feel myself again. He also suggested that I take phosphatidylserine, 100 mg one time a day. I just wanted to share these 2 supplements bc it has really worked for me!

By the way, the genetic issue where you don't have the ability to break down folic acid is called MTHF gene and apparently 1 out of 7 folks have the abnormality and those w thyroid issues, it's 6 out of 7! Super common....number one symptom is terrible anxiety! Food for thought!

14-05-14, 17:50
Hi, there!! Wow, I have to say you seem to have had a breakthrough, and one that is so logical ... exploring why your brain is anxious and treating naturally first (with your doctor's help, of course)! There are loads of people on here asking about natural treatments for anxiety - I would absolutely encourage them to follow your lead and get tested for this, just in case! Why keep going for MRIs, colonoscopies and so on, which are also scary to these folks who keep going around in circles with health anxiety, why not get checked out for this when the "cure" might be so simple??

Checked out your other supplement, and it sounds amazing also, but read that it may not be advisable to take if one is already on antidepressants as it could lower the effects of the ad (so it says).

Good detective work, so happy you're getting well! Woo hoo! :yahoo:
Marie xx

ps Is this a genetic test, or can methofolate level be checked via blood testing? How were you diagnosed?