View Full Version : mind chatter

14-05-14, 09:59
Panicking a bit does anybody ever have random words just pop into their head out if the blue ,scared I'm going crazy ,on own relaxing quiet house trying to do housework head thinking allsorts of random words now I'm panicking anxiety really sent me out of mind I don't take meds

14-05-14, 10:17
Im not quitr sure what you mean,

But I have something happen where I could be doing nothing like watching tv and then my my wonders to something completely different

Is this similar to what your experiencing? ?

14-05-14, 10:42
yes Julia, I know exactly what you mean. I get random words and sentences.Its a very common thing apparently.

14-05-14, 10:43
Julia I get this all the time! I get it really bad as I'm falling asleep. I hate it but it's just the anxious mind doing it's thing. Totally normal.

Fizzy Warrior
14-05-14, 16:48
Hi Julia, yes, I get this too! It's not something that has ever worried me though (which is strange for me, because I worry about so much!) It does seem to be quite a common occurence. -x-