View Full Version : Help!

14-05-14, 14:26
I'm supposed to be flying to Corfu on Friday for my honeymoon, but I'm absolutely terrified. I suffer from panic attacks, anxiety and emetophobia, and have been given Diazepam by my doctor to help. I'm really scared that the flight is going to make me ill because I can't take travel sickness tablets with the Diazepam, and I'm getting more and more scared that when the time comes, I won't be able to get on the plane. Anyone out there with prior experience of flying with emetophobia and Diazepam? I'd really appreciate some reassurance.

15-05-14, 07:08
I'm sorry I can't offer any advice, but wanted to let you know that you are not on your own. I fly on Sunday and am dreading it. I have been feeling so stressed and making myself ill because of it.

I know exactly how you must be feeling - I'm feeling it too.

Good luck, I'm sure you will cope. Just think about your holiday, it will be worth it

15-05-14, 11:56
I got absolutely no sleep last night because I was having panic attack after panic attack. I took a Diazepam this morning because I had to go to work but I'm still anxious now. I'm starting to get to the point where I can't eat I'm so on edge. I don't know how I'm going to get through tomorrow, I genuinely can see myself not getting on the plane :(

15-05-14, 12:04
You will get on the plane and you will cope.

Have you told the airline that you are a nervous flyer? I have, and in the past they have really helped me.

How long is the flight?

15-05-14, 14:29
It's only 3 hours, UK to Corfu. I'm just really scared that I won't be able to get on the plane to come back because I'll be so scared. I don't want to spend the whole holiday feeling worried. I will be travelling with my husband so I'm hoping that will help. I'm feeling a lot calmer now than I did earlier, but it seems to ebb and flow. No doubt later on this evening I''l be terrified again :(

15-05-14, 14:35
i used to be the same

i swapped diazapem for rescue remedy and kalms - a much better alternative and now i am about 90% normal flying again

get these from boots and relax xxxxxxxxx

15-05-14, 14:42
I've tried rescue remedy and it works alright for when I'm having a low level panic attack. When I'm really going for it though, like last night, it feels like nothing will work. I just want to enjoy my holiday without being scared the whole time :(