View Full Version : victim of health anxiety

14-05-14, 15:20
I had no idea this even existed until I found this place. I've had panic attacks since last year and it usually is because I start overthinking about my heart. I have esophageal spasms regularly as well as 2 bulging discs and annular tears in my thoracic spine. I also have a bone spur in the same location. I used to be plagued with the thought that it was my heart since my mom has heart issues. But I've had 2 echoes, a stress test, and 4 EKGs all showing a very healthy heart. Yet, I still have a hard time convincing myself that I'm fine! Does anyone else suffer from this kind of health anxiety?

14-05-14, 15:26
I believe that if we want something to be wrong with us, we will always find something wrong with us. In my mind, I have had cancer, heart attacks, Lymphoma, etc. and had tests in college up until this present day. If there was something wrong with me, they would have found it, just like if there is something wrong with you they will find it. It is VERY hard to convince ourselves. I had to stop googling and reading health news. I used to work in the news and you know what sells? Drama. Nobody buys the magazines (I would) that say "I thought something was wrong with me, went the doctor and turns out I was fine." People buy the magazines and the stories that say, "I went to the dr. and he said I was fine, but turns out I wasn't." Those stories sell, and those stories are rare. You hear about them more because they are so rare. If they were common, they wouldn't be newsworthy. I am assuming that you do not have a medical degree and neither do I. Short of being a doctor, I can't self diagnose and I have to give up control. There will always be uncertainty in life. Try to focus on what you can control - your emotions. :)

14-05-14, 16:26
I believe that if we want something to be wrong with us, we will always find something wrong with us. In my mind, I have had cancer, heart attacks, Lymphoma, etc. and had tests in college up until this present day. If there was something wrong with me, they would have found it, just like if there is something wrong with you they will find it. It is VERY hard to convince ourselves. I had to stop googling and reading health news. I used to work in the news and you know what sells? Drama. Nobody buys the magazines (I would) that say "I thought something was wrong with me, went the doctor and turns out I was fine." People buy the magazines and the stories that say, "I went to the dr. and he said I was fine, but turns out I wasn't." Those stories sell, and those stories are rare. You hear about them more because they are so rare. If they were common, they wouldn't be newsworthy. I am assuming that you do not have a medical degree and neither do I. Short of being a doctor, I can't self diagnose and I have to give up control. There will always be uncertainty in life. Try to focus on what you can control - your emotions. :)

You're absolutely right, Jill. I can't tell you how many times I have come across those stories and wondered, "What if there's something wrong with me and they're just not finding it?" Yes, I have thought that many times since having the chest pains and heart palpitations. I'm sure it's all coming from the nerves in the back that are being affected by the discs and tears as well as the esophageal spasms I have constantly. Maybe if I got this under control I wouldn't panic so much about my heart.