View Full Version : will I get sacked

14-05-14, 15:31
I was very unwell this morning, I have really bad period pains and pains in my legs plus dizzyness,nausa and upset stomach.

I dragged myself into work once I managed to get out the bathroom but work sent me home within 5 mins.

I crashed out on the sofa and didn't wake up till early afternoon

Painkillers ect are not touching the pain or the headaches and the nausaua and stress is causing my panic attacks to emerge.

Problem is I don't feel any better, cant get off the sofa and worry I will need tommorow off as well. PLUS I had to go home early on Monday due to a severe panic attack

I am stressed i will get sacked for having too much time off work for essentially "women`s troubles"

14-05-14, 17:16
That depends on many things 1) does it happen often? 2) has it been mentioned to your doctor as a problem? 3) if there is a medical diagnosis does it come under the Disability Discrimination Act?

The odd occasion is nothing to worry about, it does happen from time to time, but if it is becoming a problem you should probably see the doctor and see if there is anything that can be done to lessen the severity of them.