View Full Version : scary day

14-05-14, 16:29
I went for a treadmill stress test about 2 weeks ago and thought everything was ok..The tech told me it looked good. Well, the report finally came from the cardiologist and it says it was a abnormal stress test. I have ST-segment depression of 1.1mm which indicates ischemia (blocked artery), so now I have to go in to see the cardiologist and see what is next. I am totally freaked. I cannot calm down. My blood pressure is thru the roof so now my doctor wants to put me on beta blockers..I hate meds and I am fighting it..Has anyone else noticed a increase in blood pressure while on cit? I really need to calm down..Obviously the blockage cannot be that bad, since they did not stop the treadmill test and the tech felt it looked good..Shit!! sorry..I just didn't need this to add to my panic...debbie

14-05-14, 17:21
I really feel for you Debbie. 5 or 6 yrs ago i went to docs with ibs and bleeding so i was sent for colonoscopy:ohmy:. Anyway i went along after drinking a gallon of that god awful bowl prep:lac:. Anyway, was told i had polyps ( pre cusror) for cancer and had to wait a few weeks for the results. I sat in bed with my son at the time thinking " will i not be doing this much longer?". My mother in law had just come thro bowel cancer so i obviously assumed thats what im getting. Needless to say it was ok, but i now have to go for a camera crew excursion every 3 yrs:wacko:. I went again last year and they found more polyps. My initial thinking was anger at God, as why me I dont smoke i dont drink and get this. Then however i got pragmatic about it and try to see that i am getting a regualr check up rather than be told when it might be too late...

Please take comfort in I know how you feel. Maybe it might be worth taking the beta blockers. My friend is on em and he is the most laidback guy i know.

peace and serenity,


14-05-14, 17:28
They often puts stents in for blocked arteries. This is a simple procedure, my husband and brother in law have both had stents in and both still work full time and lead normal lives. They had no problems with it at all and is nothing to worry about.

14-05-14, 19:34
Thank you so much for your replies. I see the cardiologist next week..I think they will probobly do another stress test but with a iv contrast..fun...If that is bad they will then have to do a catherization, that is the one I don't want. I really need to calm down, I am making this so much worse.

14-05-14, 19:41
Thank you so much for your replies. I see the cardiologist next week..I think they will probobly do another stress test but with a iv contrast..fun...If that is bad they will then have to do a catherization, that is the one I don't want. I really need to calm down, I am making this so much worse.
This is the same as what we in UK call Angiogram. My husband had this and his words "I quite enjoyed it" he didn't feel any pain at all and was quite interested in looking at the monitor to see what was going on inside him :)

14-05-14, 21:10
This is the same as what we in UK call Angiogram. My husband had this and his words "I quite enjoyed it" he didn't feel any pain at all and was quite interested in looking at the monitor to see what was going on inside him :)

OMG! thats great..I guess your husband does not suffer from anxiety..I so envy him..Thanks for the info..:D

14-05-14, 21:13
OMG! thats great..I guess your husband does not suffer from anxiety..I so envy him..Thanks for the info..:D
You are right, he doesn't suffer from anxiety but he did say he was a bit panicky when he first went in the room but soon realised it was nothing to worry about. :)

15-05-14, 15:14
How are you feeling today Debbie?

16-05-14, 00:43
How are you feeling today Debbie?
Thanks so much for asking..I am trying to remain somewhat calm..Very difficult for me..I have a appointment with the cardiologist next Thursday..The nurse told he would probobly want me have another stress test , but this time done with radioactive dye or echiocardiogram.
I tell me self if the blockage was very significant , the tech would of picked up on it and stopped the test. I finally feel like the cit is starting to make a little bit of a improvement, and then this!! Boy, life is sure full of challanges.
Again, thanks for your concern, I appreciate it. debbie:yahoo:

21-05-14, 11:51
Good luck with your appt tomorrow Debbie.
How are you today?