View Full Version : Having an operation next Tuesday

14-05-14, 17:03
I saw the consultant on Tuesday and have an operation booked for Tuesday next week. Hysteroscopy and possible removal of fibroids. I will also have a mirena coil fitted at the same time. I have had fibroids removed before and know that there were no problems and I felt fine after. It is more my fear of hospitals than the operation that is setting my anxiety off. Today I have kept feeling like I am going to faint and all the other usual anxiety symptoms :(. I just want this week to go very quickly.

14-05-14, 17:30
I saw the consultant on Tuesday and have an operation booked for Tuesday next week. Hysteroscopy and possible removal of fibroids. I will also have a mirena coil fitted at the same time. I have had fibroids removed before and know that there were no problems and I felt fine after. It is more my fear of hospitals than the operation that is setting my anxiety off. Today I have kept feeling like I am going to faint and all the other usual anxiety symptoms :(. I just want this week to go very quickly.

Definitely hear you... I have another follow up next Tuesday and find myself a bit on edge and irritable... "scanxiety" for sure.

Do you have a "chill pill" you can take?

Positive thoughts

14-05-14, 17:34
I understand the fear. Being a patient in hospital is never a fun ride so do not think that your anxiety is silly. Even though I have worked and will work in a hospital being the patient is a different ball game altogether.

Do you have a friend or relative that you could take? My husband was with me right up until I was admitted and collected me when I was in recovery. Another tip is to bring some entertainment that's engaging, like puzzles.

Remember that you've done this before and came out of it alive, you can do it this time. Will be thinking of you x

14-05-14, 17:43
Definitely hear you... I have another follow up next Tuesday and find myself a bit on edge and irritable... "scanxiety" for sure.

Do you have a "chill pill" you can take?

Positive thoughts

I hope your appointment goes well. I am waiting to hear back from my consultant to see if it is okay to take my 'chill pills' with General anaesthetic.

---------- Post added at 17:43 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ----------

Thank you Rennie, yes my husband has got the day off work so will be there with me all day.

14-05-14, 17:46
Every time I went in for a procedure, they gave me something to "relax" me prior. I'm sure all you need to do is ask ;) To be honest, I don't remember much after that ~lol~

Positive thoughts

14-05-14, 17:53
After having it done before and everything going fine you would think that I wouldn't have this anticipatory anxiety again :doh:

14-05-14, 18:21
Annie, most of my anxiety now is anticipatory anxiety. I know everything will be fine, it's just trying to tell my mind that. Keep yourself distracted for the week, give the anxiety a friendly wave, and take it easy :)

14-05-14, 18:28
After having it done before and everything going fine you would think that I wouldn't have this anticipatory anxiety again :doh:

100% normal... anxiety or not.... you'll be just fine ;)

Positive thoughts

14-05-14, 18:36
Trying to do things to take my mind off it :) I just hope I will be at the top of the list on Tuesday, waiting is the worst!

15-05-14, 10:23
Sorry to hear this Annie. Sending you positive thoughts and lots of hugs :hugs::hugs:

15-05-14, 10:46
Thank you Bernie, I feel dreadful today, so nervous x

15-05-14, 10:49
Distract distract distract!! You know how it works Annie. Make a shopping list of things you would do and buy if you won the lottery! Anything to take your mind off things for a while xx

15-05-14, 11:20
If I won the lottery I would pay for some of my NMP friends to get the professional help they need to get better :D
The fear of the unknown is so bad. It is a hospital I have never been to before. I still haven't got my pre op assessment appointment. I think once i have had that I may be a bit calmer. (or maybe not!)

---------- Post added at 11:20 ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 ----------

Just had a phone call from the hospital, my pre op assessment is tomorrow at 1:30

15-05-14, 12:03
Tomorrow's appointment should help put your mind at rest a bit, plus you'll be able to ask any questions you have. X

15-05-14, 12:10
Sending positive thoughts to you, Annie. The anticipatory anxiety is so normal before a hospital. Procedure. Stay positive and know that you're going to be just fine.

15-05-14, 12:12
Thank you Tanner :)

15-05-14, 16:41
All the best Annie:hugs::hugs::hugs:xx

15-05-14, 17:09
All the best Annie.
get well soon
lots of love
celticlass xxxx:hugs::hugs:

15-05-14, 17:38
Thank you Magic and Celticlass. I feel a little calmer tonight than I did this morning.

15-05-14, 22:44
Hi Annie, wish you all the best for your operation and hope you make a speedy recovery :hugs: Like others have said its perfectly normal to be feeling anxious.

15-05-14, 22:50
Hi Annie, wish you all the best for your operation and hope you make a speedy recovery :hugs: Like others have said its perfectly normal to be feeling anxious.

Thank you, it is making it easier for me knowing I have support from my nmp friends to help me through it.

16-05-14, 08:46
I have got myself in a bit of a state this morning. I don't really see myself as having health anxiety but have realised it is not the op I am so scared of but of what the consultant might find. With all my symtims I am really scared it might be something more serious. I have my pre op assessment this afternoon and will tell them if it is anything worse I want them to do whatever they have to as I dont want to be woken up and asked and have to wait. I cant wait for Tuesday to be over with. So scared :(

16-05-14, 15:25
Hi Annie
Hope your pre op assessment went ok and you got some reassurance from seeing the actual hospital.
I asked if I could be first on the operating list for an op similar to yours because of my anxiety and they said it was no prob.
I couldn't have waited all day!
I also was given 10 mg Valium to take the night before as a sleeping med.
And that did keep me a little more calm in the morning traveling to the hosp.
Just talk to your anaesthetist and be totally honest about your anxiety.
Thinking of you xxxx

16-05-14, 19:32
Thank you dally. I cried all the time I was in the assessment and the nurse said she will try to get me on the top of the list and I can take diazepam the night before. I have exhausted myself today.

---------- Post added at 19:32 ---------- Previous post was at 16:03 ----------

Feeling dreadful tonight. I think some of it may be the fact that I had to go cold turkey on the hrt before the operation. I can't stop crying and shaking :weep:

16-05-14, 19:45
Oh Annie sounds like you have had an exhausting day.

Try not to be too hard on yourself, you have done great.

Good that the nurse understands how anxious you are, and it sounds like they are taking steps to try and help you.

Thinking of you and keep posting.


16-05-14, 20:08
Thank you Elen x

17-05-14, 09:19
Good luck for Tuesday Annie and I hope you manage to get through next three days ok. You can do this :bighug1::bighug1:

17-05-14, 09:31
Thank you Kim. I feel really anxious at the moment. I just want Tuesday to be over with and I am so scared that they will find something worse wrong with me.

17-05-14, 10:04
ok Annie logical head on. The "what if's" are running away with you honey.

If they do find something else, chances are they can do something about it.

If, and its a huge if, it turns out to be bad you will deal with it.

You are a strong lady and can overcome this.

tc xxx

17-05-14, 10:10
Thank you Elen :) My rational head is arguing with my irrational one at the moment and driving me crazy. I just wish I could fast forward to Wednesday.

---------- Post added at 10:10 ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 ----------

I just can't get these 'what if's' out of my head. Trying to use CBT4Panic again but I can't even concentrate on that :( My head is driving me crazy, I hate this :weep:

18-05-14, 16:38
How are you doing today Annie?

18-05-14, 16:44
Thank you for asking Elen, I am not too bad, trying to keep my mind occupied with other things but my ibs has flared up :( Only one more day to go. Hopefully by this time on Tuesday I will be back home again.

18-05-14, 16:50
Thats a pain re your IBS, you dont need that atm.

You are getting there

Roll on Tuesday.

18-05-14, 16:52
Thank you Elen x

19-05-14, 08:18
You made it Annie only one more day to go now, hope all goes well and you get good results, will be thinking of you it will take my mind of ofstead lol who are in this week. Seriously good luck and be strong :bighug1::bighug1:

19-05-14, 08:23
Just the mention of the word OFSTED made my tummy do a somersault! So pleased I don't work in school any more!
I woke up with my heart racing this morning and a quick rush to the loo :( I am feeling slightly calmer but still have palpitations, just taking it easy today. Hopefully by this time tomorrow I will either be in or just out of the operating theatre. I hope the nurse has managed to get me at the top of the list.

19-05-14, 09:08
Feel better soon Annie. Hope it all goes well, you're in safe hands and the worry will be over soon now. Be kind to yourself today.

19-05-14, 09:28
Feel better soon Annie. Hope it all goes well, you're in safe hands and the worry will be over soon now. Be kind to yourself today.

Thank you Mr Jitters, I will be pleased when tomorrow is over with :)

19-05-14, 09:56
Hi Annie,

Just wanted to wish you well for tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you and look forward to hearing from you to let us know how things went.

Best wishes xx :hugs::hugs:

19-05-14, 10:34
Thank you bernie :hugs: xx

19-05-14, 14:18
Wishing you the best of luck tomorrow Annie, I'll be thinking about you. I think anyone would be stressed with an operation coming up, so don't be too hard on yourself. Hoping for a quick recovery for you xxx

19-05-14, 15:12
Thank you Honeylove :) I have been so tense these last few days that my back is really aching now :(

19-05-14, 15:33
That sucks Annie :(

Do you think that you could treat yourself to a massage? You probably don't really have time for it at this stage.

19-05-14, 15:43
I can get my husband to massage my back when he comes home. I am a holistic therapist myself so have taught him little bits :) Well this time tomorrow I should be home again and hopefully not feeling too bad.

19-05-14, 16:08
I can get my husband to massage my back when he comes home. I am a holistic therapist myself so have taught him little bits :) Well this time tomorrow I should be home again and hopefully not feeling too bad.

Everything will be just fine and yes, by this time tomorrow, you'll be home and on pain meds so you won't care anyway ;)

Positive thoughts

19-05-14, 16:14
I can get my husband to massage my back when he comes home. I am a holistic therapist myself so have taught him little bits :) Well this time tomorrow I should be home again and hopefully not feeling too bad.

Oh that sounds like a nice plan! I'm sure that he'll oblige given what's in store for you tomorrow, you deserve a little pampering :)

This time tomorrow it will all be over and you'll feel much better. Be sure to let us know how you're doing after!

19-05-14, 17:22
Thank you Fishmanpa and Honeylove. Yes if I can stay awake long enough after my GA I will let you know how I am doing :) I do remember writing a thread after sedation at the dentist and I don't think it made sense :)

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:18 ----------

:roflmao: This is what I wrote after the dentists "I a still abiy wozzy rom the sedatioih, i an going to slrep my mouyg id sotre" I apologise in advance if I do something similar tomorrow :)

19-05-14, 17:24
Those after the dentist Youtube vids are awesome! ~lol~

My fiance' said I was grabbing her behind and talking all sorts of nonsense after I came out of sedation from getting stents in my heart ~lol~ I have no recollection at all!

Positive thoughts

19-05-14, 17:50
Hope all goes well for u Annie xxxx

19-05-14, 17:55
:roflmao: This is what I wrote after the dentists "I a still abiy wozzy rom the sedatioih, i an going to slrep my mouyg id sotre" I apologise in advance if I do something similar tomorrow :)

Lol I missed that post from you, it's awesome!! I won't worry if you come on here tomorrow spouting gibberish so!

19-05-14, 18:27
They don't sedate you to put stents in in UK fishmanpa. My hubby watched them going in his heart on the monitor.

---------- Post added at 18:27 ---------- Previous post was at 18:25 ----------

Thank you Spuder. If I am awake enough I will let you know when I get home.:)

19-05-14, 18:29
Good luck with your operation tomorrow Annie (don't be daft you can't say good luck)

Enjoy your operation tomorrow Annie (DONT BE DAFT!)

All the best with your operation tomorrow Annie (you say that at new year you idiot)

Hope you're not worrying about your operation tomorrow Annie. It'll be super quick and easy ! You'll be like "is that it ? I was hoping it'd all take longer. I wanted to read my magazines " :]

19-05-14, 18:36
Thank you Oosh that made me laugh. I don't know what I would do without all my nmp friends here to help me through it. I shall think about you all while I am being anaesthetised. If I start saying all your names when I am coming round they will think I have lost the plot!

19-05-14, 19:43
I will say a little prayer for you.xx

19-05-14, 20:17
I will say a little prayer for you.xx

Thank you I appreciate that :)

---------- Post added at 20:17 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------

Just having a cup of tea and piece of cake, my last food until after my op.

19-05-14, 20:39
Enjoy that food :-)

19-05-14, 20:41
I did Tessar, I guess the next I will get will be a bit of hospital toast and cup of tea.

19-05-14, 21:29
All the very best for tomorrow Annie.

19-05-14, 21:31
Hope all goes well for you tomorrow, Annie. You've been in my thoughts since you mentioned about the op and you'll definitely be in my thoughts tomorrow. Will be sending you telepathic good vibes!

19-05-14, 21:41
Thank you BikerMatt and Rennie :)

19-05-14, 22:33
:flowers::flowers::flowers::flowers::flowers::flow ers::flowers::flowers::flowers:

U can't take these flowers with u coz u aint allowed flowers in hospital but these r special ones u can take in your mind along with these......

:yesyes::winks::hugs::bighug1::yesyes::winks::hugs ::bighug1::yesyes::winks::hugs::bighug1:

In no some if me flowers & hugs got away. They're the ones that will b at the hospital.

20-05-14, 04:18
Annie, you're probably back home resting by now, I'm on Canadian time and didn't mean to miss you! Whenever you feel up to coming back online, you know we've had you're back, girl! :bighug1:

20-05-14, 07:49
Thank you for the flowers and hugs Tessar I will take them wiith me. :-) Marie it is 6am here and I am getting ready to go to the hospital. I cant stop shaking and feeling nauseous so anxious :-(

---------- Post added at 07:49 ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 ----------

I am at the hospital and last on the list :-(

20-05-14, 07:49
Good luck Annie, thinking of you

20-05-14, 08:39
The nurse got it wrong I'm first!

20-05-14, 12:50
I've Been thinking about u Annie hope all went well for u and I hope the pain isn't too bad for you big hugs and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

20-05-14, 13:42
Been thinking of you Annie, hope all's gone well for you. :hugs: :hugs::hugs: x

20-05-14, 13:47
Hope you're okay Annie :flowers::hugs:

20-05-14, 13:52
Thinking of you today and hoping all goes well with your operation! :bighug1:

20-05-14, 14:19
Still in hospital. Everything went well. Had morphine for pain and feeling very drowsy. Thank you all for your good wishes. I really do appreciate it.

20-05-14, 14:56
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::flowers :xxxx

20-05-14, 15:05
Thank you Magic. I hate feeling so drowsy and yuck. Hope it wears off soon

20-05-14, 15:11
Glad it's all over and went well. It will wear off soon :hugs:

20-05-14, 15:29
Glad it all went ok speedy recovery

20-05-14, 19:17
Warning Don't read this bit if you have emetophobia!

I am finally home but we had to stop half way as I started vomiting really bad :( I feel dreadful :( Going to try to sleep it off now.

20-05-14, 19:20
Sweet dreams and hope you feel better when you wake up

20-05-14, 19:46
Annie.... U r a very sweet and considerate person :-) thank you!

Plus I am very proud of you.


20-05-14, 19:51
Thank you :)

20-05-14, 20:59
Did you have anaesthetic? I vomited after having a general and that is very normal. I am so glad that you're home and well and it went well for you. Get better soon and hope you feel better tomorrow :)

20-05-14, 21:13
Get well soon Annie! Xx

20-05-14, 21:19
Hope you sleep well and feel better tomorrow :bighug1:

20-05-14, 21:51
Thank you Rennie and Daisy, Yes I had general anaesthetic and I also had morphine. I think it is the morphine that made me worse.
I have to go back in 4 weeks to see the consultant and for the results of the biopsy. He said that he couldn't see anything sinister looking though so not to worry.

---------- Post added at 21:21 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

Hope you sleep well and feel better tomorrow :bighug1:
Thank you Kim, I had a little sleep. I feel okay when I lay down but not when I sit up. I think my bp is a bit low too.

---------- Post added at 21:51 ---------- Previous post was at 21:21 ----------

My bp is only 86/54 and heart rate 41

NE21 worrier
20-05-14, 22:10
Hello Annie,

Good to hear from you, sorry I didn't post earlier but your op did cross my mind today. Hope everything went ok and you're fighting fit soon.

Peter :hugs:

20-05-14, 22:14
Thank you Peter.

20-05-14, 22:54
Hurray you made it through Annie! Glad to hear you're doing ok, just be gentle and take care of yourself for the next few days xxx

20-05-14, 23:05
Another life hurdle you mastered!
Well done!
Whilst, you will have to wait for the biopsy results,
The surgeons are pretty experienced at spotting things that don't look right
So, I'm sure everything Is totally normal.
What a relief fir you.

Take care xx

21-05-14, 00:23
Glad to hear you've mastered one more challenge. Look after yourself especially well now :)

21-05-14, 00:37
Hope you feel better in the morning :hugs:

21-05-14, 08:58
It sounds like the operation went well. Sorry to hear you felt bad afterwards. I hope you're feeling better today and are getting lots of rest xx :hugs::hugs:

21-05-14, 09:51
Thank you everyone. I have had some breakfast this morning and feeling much better. My bp is still low 76/49 but at least I know that is the reason I am feeling dizzy and can do something to get it up again. I had a good nights sleep.

21-05-14, 10:15
Hi annie glad it went well yesterday take care and look after yourself toria xx

21-05-14, 10:31
Thank you Toria. My husband is working from home today so that he can look after me :) I am resting sitting up in bed watching This Morning :)

21-05-14, 13:24
Glad to hear things went well... I knew they would :) Get some rest and enjoy being pampered ;)

Positive thoughts

21-05-14, 13:28
How are you feeling now Annie?

Catherine S
21-05-14, 13:39
Good to hear your op went well and you're resting. Take care X

21-05-14, 14:15
Thank you :) I am feeling much better, just very tired but I am resting and being waited on by my husband so will make the most of it :)

24-05-14, 16:49
I tried to go shopping this morning but abandoned my hubby half way round Sainsbury's. I feel so spaced out and dizzy :(
I did a drug interaction with just some of the drugs they gave me on Tuesday and they have significant interactions. No wonder I have felt so bad!