View Full Version : Going to Sleep

08-12-06, 16:01
Hi all.

I just wondered if anyone else gets this. Some nights when I try to go to sleep. Im just about to drop off, my heart starts beating really hard and then I feel as if I am going to pass out, or sometimes it feels like my heart gives one really big beat and then I have to sit up as it is sooooo scary.

Thanks - Liz xx

08-12-06, 16:09
Yes I think Its because I notice my heart beating more because its so quiet,and i tune into it.

09-12-06, 15:18
Hi Liz

pretty common symptom for us anxious types. I went through a long period of not being able to sleep because I was toatlly fixated on my heart beat. Try whatever you can to relax before going to bed (i have a cd of waves lapping gently on a shore that works great) and try to tune out from listening in to your heart all the time. Given time you should be able to conquer this problem!

Hope this helps and take care


13-12-06, 02:53
Happens to me alot lately ..I wake up in the middle of the night with fast pulse and thumping..usally after some weird dream..Its anxiety caused by your subconcious thoughts during sleep.I think its pretty normal..I have had missed beats and a whole slew of things happen to me with my heart and I have asked many many doctors about this occuring and they all say anxiety..

13-12-06, 10:50
Hi there all.

How are you today?

Thank you for replying, its nice to know Im not going mad!!!???

Ive been to a third GP and he says Ive got anxiety and he has set me up for a heart trace on Monday morning to set my mind at ease.

Has anyone else has this done?

Liz xx

Ma Larkin
13-12-06, 11:07
Hi Liz, I've had a heart trace. Everything was fine, I was convinced I was having a heart attack whilst the trace was being done, but it was all normal.

Absolutely nothing to worry about hun.

Les, xx