View Full Version : Lymph Gland - painful but not swollen

14-05-14, 17:15

Me again after some more helpful advice.

I have experienced this pain, not really bad pain though, in the right side of my neck. Being a regular tonsillitis sufferer I know it isnt that, and its not my ear and I dont have any tooth ache or anything like that. Its like under my jaw.

I have been to see my GP about it before a couple of times and they have felt the glands in my neck and not felt any swelling. However last night I did the dreaded Googling of symptoms and it comes up with things like HIV and LYMPHOMA and LEUKAEMIA. I know I shouldnt have Googled it and my partner was giving me a telling off for doing so.

I dont have any other symptoms or anything like that. Just feel it sometimes when I move my neck in certain positions or move my jaw. It happens a few times a year.

Im just wondering if maybe it isnt my lymph gland and maybe I keep pulling a muscle maybe or something like that?

Anyone else ever had a painful but not swollen gland in their neck?

Cheers guys x