View Full Version : Background Anxiety

14-05-14, 21:10
I don't really know what else to call it ... like even if I don't have a specific thing to be anxious about on my mind, I still feel anxious ... but about nothing really. It's manageable but annoying to not be able to just relax. It's like I'm on edge, waiting for the next thing, always alert. It's like I have a low level of anxiousness always going on in the background.

Can anybody relate?

14-05-14, 21:15
I can relate :) Sometimes I am scared to sit down and relax in case I get the anxious thoughts. I can be busy doing something as well then just get a wave of anxiety over me.

14-05-14, 22:11
I have this all day every day.. It's so constant that it feels odd not to feel worried!

15-05-14, 03:09
I know, it's so frustrating sometimes. I just want to be able to relax and not be on edge, but feel like there's always something keeping me anxious ... even if there is nothing. I tried to explain to my husband but he just doesn't understand.

15-05-14, 07:45
Yeah my boyfriend doesn't get it either.. I'm sure it's why I'm more prone to having panic attacks then because the baseline anxiety is already higher than 'normal' people so it doesn't take much more to just push it over the edge into a full blown attack.