View Full Version : Neary Every Time I go upstairs it starts!

14-05-14, 21:12
Hi All

I have been tested on and off over the last 5 years at A&E and have also seen several doctors in Neurology and also extensive tests in Cardiac and yet I still keep getting this heavy tightness in my chest and it feels like I have swollen tonsils.. all this happens for about 10 minutes and then it will go away again... I have noticed that it *seems* to happen when I am going up a flight of stairs! I am sure it is Angina ( obviously I don't want it to be ) but even my doctors have sent me to cardiac depts. god knows how many times and yet there dies seem to be anything wrong.. my dread is that they have missed something? I have had ECGs, countless blood tests, stress test on the treadmill, radio active dye put in me and heart scanned all that sort of thing and nothing.. and yet I still get what I explain... Anyone else have anything like this? It is really getting me down as when it happens it *feels* like I am going to stop breathing:scared15:

14-05-14, 23:29
I notice on another thread you mention that you love rollercoasters? You don't say that these cause you the same heaviness of chest and cause for concern, and yet your heart would be beating very fast. I don't know about you but I'm out of breath afer a roller caoster.
You are suffering from fear and nothing but....you're worried sick because you suffer from anxiety and it latches on to things. You will have to come to terms with that to recover. You just work yourself up when you do something like going up the stairs that frightens you because you think you have something wrong so it makes the feeling worse. People with anxiety are often scared of going up the stairs, so much so that it's an exposure exercise in itself in CBT4Panic. Going up and down the stairs as much as you can to prove to yourself you won't die is how they treat it.
You need to get to the stage where you can say to all this phenomena "oh that's just anxiety" without putting undue focus on it. You can forever think the tests have missed something, however many tests you have because that's what anxiety does.

15-05-14, 21:24
Thanks Pancho
I agree with you fully....:) would say exactly the same to someone else who has what I have:)) I hope it is just anxiety, but my question to all the doctors in the past is why does it have a great impact on me now, I never use to get this when I was in panic or have anxiety....I learnt to cope with that even though each time you feel isolated.
As for Roller Coasters... now that's a different matter... I don't get worried at al on those things:)) Strange isn't it... and nor am I worried or anxious if I were to go on a stage in front of 1000s, but having inward things is the hardest to cope with and I am sure you would agree.

15-05-14, 21:42
I am not familiar with your story, but Out of interest, TelBoy..... I imagine because you anticipate that you will get breathless, have a fast heart rate etc etc if u climb stairs.... sure enough this is what happens?
Actually..... If I go up a flight of stairs (particularly if I am carrying stuff or am about to go into a place I am unfamiliar with or somewhere that makes me nervous or anticipate a situation I might struggle to deal with) .... You've guessed it.... I get out of breath.
But far from being dangerous to my health..... Climbing stairs is generally good for me (for you & everyone else wishing to remain fit & well). Because of course to get fit you need to tax your body.
I can see the difference though between healthy exercise (anaerobic exercise) and perhaps when I don't breath properly because I am anticipating a stressful situation. In that circumstance I am out of breath, not so much because I have climbed the stairs..... Moreso that I haven't been breathing effectively.
So I see a difference between the two situations..... and wonder if this help u at all? I was looking at alternative ways of looking at it..... :-)

16-05-14, 20:44
Hi Tess
Yes:)) what you said is what happens to me:scared15: but why wont it stop?:)
That is my ultimate question to every doctor I have seen... drives me mad at times and of course when it happens ( as you know ) it is frightening to say the very least. I have had panic attacks and anxiety since the 1970s I just hope and pray that it will one day it will all go away and that I am live in harmony:)) wishful thinking eh:))
Thanks for your reply and hope you don't have anymore attacks!!

16-05-14, 21:53
but why wont it stop?:smile:

Because you live in fear of it and are expecting it! That's all it is. That's what we are saying.
You can make it stop by proving to yourself that it is not harming you. Now it is time to take some action telboy :)

16-05-14, 23:48
Hi Telboy
If you read through CBT4PANIC all your questions since the 1970s will finally be answered

Maybe you are reluctant to give it a try because you have become convinced there is no answer to be found

You have nothing to lose - it's a very very easy read (lots of cartoons) and you WILL be surprised I assure you

Let me know how you get on
