View Full Version : So close to cancelling holiday because of this :(

14-05-14, 22:10
Hi everyone... ive got a bit of an issue... im supposed to be going on holiday June 25th - 10th September (very long i know but my family holidays are always this long)
Anyway so your probably wondering.... whats the issue lol
well my issue is ... i want to cancel my holiday... because of these stupid lumps in my neck :( ive had an ultrasund on one but only discovered the other two after the scan. My problem is, im worried. for many reasons, i dont want to go away not knowing what these lumps are, what if I go away and the lumps grow all of a sudden or i get really ill, or i find more lumps, or something worse :( really dont want to spoil it for myself or my family but right now i dont think i can handle it :(

14-05-14, 22:37
Where are you going? :)

14-05-14, 22:46
go and enjoy, leave the `lumps` at home, for now x

14-05-14, 23:28
Im going to morocco. And thats my propblem, my health anxiety is way too bad for me to just enjoy my holiday and forget about them :(

14-05-14, 23:44
And if you cancel this holiday then you will cancel the next one and the next one for other reasons

Just go, enjoy yourself and forget about the lumps and STOP prodding them - that makes things worse

14-05-14, 23:56
I for one am heading first class across the Atlantic for a month on a gorgeous beach in two weeks time. I cannot wait, I'm determined this is going to be the eutopian relaxation my nervous system needs to calm down and sort itself out.

Yes I'm nervous about things. I'm nervous about becoming ill on the plane or the plane crashing mostly. But I've got to break this awful cycle somehow. Maybe you could try and turn your own holiday into a positive like that?

15-05-14, 11:15
Thanks for the replies guys! And the encouragement I need to go I know I do! And whem I get back ill be starting my nursing degree (haha a nurse with health anxiety) so I do need to relax so im prepared for the stresses of the course . My ultrasound did say one of the lumps was consistent with a reactive lymph node but me being me am questioning this and telling myself she scanned thw wrong thing and maybe she missed the correct lump and now ive found the other 2 im panicking even more!
serenity! Hope you have an amazing holiday!!