View Full Version : Nocturnal Seizure

14-05-14, 23:50
So in the last few months, I've had extremely messed up sleep in general, ever since my anxiety flared up. I do actually feel a lot better now, I exercise relatively frequently, and I try not to stress so much.

But how can I relax with having these insane sleep issues?

Here is what happens. I fall asleep, and sleep relatively normally for a few hours, then I wake up. Then I start dreaming really looooong dreams, it feels like hours. This morning I woke up because of a really loud noise in my head, and I was in a weird position in my bed when I woke up, with my sheets in strange positions as well.

That happened before, in total about 4 times in around 5,6 months now. Sometimes I fall into sleep paralysis (with eyes closed), sometimes I wake up in panicky states, with a pressure feeling in my head that subsides after a while.
I can't sleep for longer than a few hours at once, I always feel tired, and wake up with dry mouth. This makes me think I have sleep apnea.

How the hell can I ever beat this Dragon if it's kicking my ass every single day, making me thing I either have some sort of epilepsy, narcolepsy or a damn brain tumor? And it's not like I can stop sleeping. I hate this. /endrant.

15-05-14, 16:54
Heh, I guess no one ever had a similar experience. Booking for a doctors visit tomorrow.

15-05-14, 17:01
That would have been my suggestion had I seen your post:)

15-05-14, 17:26
Hey notcool, sorry I didn't see your post until now! A doc's visit is a good start though :)

I know how rough not sleeping can make you feel, it makes things so difficult! Since you are getting to sleep ok, there are a few things to think about that might wake you up at night:

- acid reflux
- teeth grinding / jaw clenching
- drinking alcohol before bed
- too many stimulants like sugar/caffeine during the day
- not eating enough in the evening
- drinking too much before bedtime
- the obvious one, anxiety!
- too much stimulation in your bedroom (too light/loud/etc)

It's good to start with your doctor and rule out any sleep issues, but have a think about these things too and see if they might fit you. I know my combination of reflux and teeth grinding gives me the exact sensations you describe!

15-05-14, 23:03
Thanks, appreciate the answers, I guess threads get buried fast in HA forum section. :)
As for HL's list, I think I can cross most of them off. I am anxious, of course, otherwise I wouldn't be here, lol, but these problems are different, they seem real. I have researched a lot of material on the internet about these kinds of sleep disorders, but ofcourse I can't be sure of anything.

I hate that I have to go to the doctor again, and wait for my exam date for months.