View Full Version : Terrible day too much for me

15-05-14, 02:41
Why can't I have more good days? I'm so tired of it. I had a good one yesterday, then today it comes back; the health anxiety, the symptoms, what is the magic pill, or magic words that I need to hear? Why can't we just tell our bodies were okay? Why won't they listen? I just want to be myself again. I read where others are exercising, I can barely make it thru a day, work, keeping up with the house. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow I'm nervous about going in there,I just feel certain that I am bothering them. I have called at least once a week for the last month, I go see him tomorrow about my sleeping medicine. I think I should taper off of the restoril, I'm on 15mgs, I have it in my head that I should get 7.5mgs, and then stop taking them. I have all of these negative thoughts in my head, I have no one to talk to, I feel so lost and alone right now.

15-05-14, 08:20
Hey, don't bear yourself up about feeling like this.

Some people bite their nails, others crack their knuckle - people like us panic and worry. It's just a part of who we are.

You just need to engage your rational part of your brain, and say to yourself every so often;

"I know I'm fine. I know I'm ok. Now where did I leave the kids lunch boxes..?" ;)

You're fine. Tell the doctor how you're feeling. You have anxiety, it's a horrible thing, but you will be fine. Xxx

15-05-14, 09:00
Hi Tuesdayschild44, Like you I had a good day yest, but feel really panicy 2day. Thinks its mainly to do with the fact that I didnt get a good sleep last nite. Im on 7.5mg Zopiclone but didnt have 1 last nite as im having to wean off them. The dr is not going to give me anymore. Hope you start to feel better soon. x