View Full Version : deja vu

15-05-14, 02:48
I've been having extreme deja vu for the past few days.. meaning I feel like I have done something before when I haven't..it won't go away:shrug::shrug: and it lasts all day and its there when I wake up. It's really overwhelming and causing me to panic a lot. Does anyone get this/had this before?

16-05-14, 17:02
I guess im alone??

16-05-14, 17:42
Is it really there all day? With no breaks?

16-05-14, 18:49
No, i think its al day because i think about it!!

today and yesterday was ok, 2 days before that it was awful!!

16-05-14, 20:25
Well, believe it or not, Eve, I "lived in" deja vu for months when I was a teenager, ughhhhh! I think everyone gets it now and then. It'll ease up, don't worry. :winks:

16-05-14, 20:48
you always come to my rescue!!!!!


17-05-14, 01:32
[/COLOR]Love you too, Eve hunni! :hugs: ... I think sometimes deja vu is also thought of as being an example of derealization. Which is an anxiety thing. There are a lot of people on here who have experienced derealization! Me too. Felt like I was detached from everything, and was sometimes touched off by an episode of deja vu. It was like I managed to fast forward from the deja vu to "real time", but it was like living in a movie or something. That too went away. We just have to be patient and let it pass. No worries, it will! And one day it will stop happening at all, trust me! :yesyes:

17-05-14, 02:28
I get it now and again Eve. I don't know what causes it but when I was a lot younger, I used to get it a lot and it used to freak me out too.

Do you keep a diary? I started keeping one when anxiety was at it's very worse when I was in my 20's. Then I would look back over the last month and some things that I wrote would make me laugh!! It's good that we can laugh at ourselves sometimes because this damn anxiety sucks that all out.
