View Full Version : Not sure what happened

15-05-14, 07:12
Just a little update from me. I've been doing really well. Life is improving and I've been living alongside mt anxiety and letting it be there when it wants to be and it seems to have done the trick as my anxiety has massively decreased and I have an almost normal life again.

However yesterday something bad happened. I'm not going to dwell on it, I will mention it to the dr at my next app.

I was driving along and suddenly something didn't feel right. My head started to feel like it was filling with blood or draining or something and I thought I was going to black out. I knew my heart wasn't beating properly but couldn't tell what was happening as I was driving. The whole experience lasted about ten seconds and I never did black out but it was extremely overwhelming and frightening.

Like I say, don't want to dwell on it but a couple if weeks ago when I was bending over I got a squeezing pain in the centre of my chest which shot up into my throat. The dr said it was acid but having suffered with acid reflux for years it was nothing like I've experienced before. It was like when people say you'll know the difference and it felt like someone was squeezing my heart and the pain that went into my throat was sharp, it wasn't liquidy, it was like a nerve type pain.

Thing is I always get told just ignore it it was an isolated incident. But how many isolated incidents are they just going to ignore??

Like I say, been doing great and don't want to spoil and dwell but something just isn't right. I can't put my finger on what though.

15-05-14, 18:00
The doctor told me that if something isn't going away, that is when to worry. And if it isn't going away or gets worse then you call an ambulance.
Otherwise I can discuss with the doctor all I like, but there's a limited amount of tests they can do, and as their not miricle workers the only thing they can do if all the tests come back negative is wait.
It helped me a bit.
I'm sure you'll be fine!
There was once a story I read in a paper of a man who passed out all the time for 30 years and the doctors could never find anything wrong and said it was just anxiety. Turns out they did a tilt table test and it was his heart stopping for up to half a minute at a time. Apparently it was impossible for him to die from it because the brain is too insistant that that's not an option.
The liklihood that there is smething wrong is very small, and if there was it would get worse so you would notice it.
There have been scientific studies on people who cure themselves of everything. So if you believe you're healthy and will get better, really really believe, chances are you will be.