View Full Version : venlafaxine and work

15-05-14, 09:43

Just told my boss at work that i'm taking ads specifically venlafaxine....

I'm really worried, just started new job and i'm worried about my performance. I've found myself not as motivated as I used to be or as dedicated.

I'm just feeling really down and tired, memory is also letting me down. Like i'm told one thing one minute, then I forget it.

I'm just feeling really worried I dont know how I could cope if I lost this and what i'd tell everyone.

Its just making things worse....

Not been to a counselling session for months, and i'm trying to get back into the gym....

Any advice would be welcome

15-05-14, 12:50
OK, a few pointers:

* Take the job a day at a time - half a day at a time, if necessary. Always make sure you take plenty of notes about what you're doing, and you can use these to jog your memory
* If this is a new job, allow yourself a reasonable amount of time to "bed in". If you really find you're not getting into it after a few months, then start looking for something else. But always remember it's easier to get a new job if you're already in a job
* Ring your counsellor this week and arrange an appointment if you can
* Go the gym this week - or go for a run, a bike ride or a swim

Those are all small things, but put together they can make a difference.

16-05-14, 01:49
May I ask how long you have been taking the venlaxafine? Right now, just at 10 weeks, I am finding my memory kicking in (actually much better than it was with the depression). Not losing things as much, able to recall not only "today's" things to remember, but also recalling what I purchased months ago and where to locate it. (No, I'm not a hoarder, lol!) My husband was out of melatonin, and while searching our second medicine cabinet, no luck, I suddenly remembered that I'd purchased and not opened a bottle last summer, and where to look for it instead! Very pleased and relieved that as time goes on my functioning is getting better! ... Still waiting for that motivation to kick in, but I've read where it will do once I'm taking 150mg+.

Good luck, hang in there! :D