View Full Version : Brain Tumor worry and possible symptoms

15-05-14, 10:10
Hi I have been experiencing headaches for about 6 weeks now with a 1 week break 4 weeks ago. The headache is not there at night and in the morning but seems to be aggrivated slightly by walking. As of late I have been feeling slightly lightheaded/dizzy but not so bad it affects my walking. Sometimes when im standing I feel like im swaying slightly. I also feel that my reading may be worse. Im not sure if its because im thinking of it constantly. I seem to have to read things twice or miss words out which is frustrating. I have been to the doctors 4 times and they have asked questions and done basic tests like looking into eye. They say I have no sign whatsoever of intercranial swelling as did the optician I went to see for a full and thorough eye test. My bp can be a little high between 140/158 over 85. The headaches have become milder but still there daily but there are times of the day when they go away. They started by being constant and moving around the head constantly but now seem more on my right side top/back. I have experienced very short burst of slight ringing in my ears. I have had quite a bit of relationship stress lately and have become very anxious about my symptoms. Although been slightly less anxious the last few days. What are the chances of the seeming to be a tumor? Please help

15-05-14, 11:20
Hi :)

It sounds to me like a combination of stress, anxiety and possibly vertigo.

The light headed/dizzy stuff sounds just like when I get vertigo. Mine has flared up again over the last few days.

The head ache could simply be down to you working yourself up.

Unfortunately, I have a friend who was diagnosed with a brain tumor recently - and the swelling was spotted instantly by the optician. If your gp and optician has given you the all clear, the likelihood of them both missing something is really slim.

I think you're fine. Try to relax (easier said than done) and try not to focus on symptoms.

Hope you feel better soon x

15-05-14, 12:12
Than you for taking the time to reply. Its comforting to hear, its just been driving me mad as its been going on for what seems ages. Sorry to hear about your friend I hope they are coping as best they can. I hope your vertigo improves soon

15-05-14, 15:00
It's no problem at all. I know how stressful it can be when you have a seemingly mounting list of symptoms. I had the same thing myself a couple of years back, where I was absolutely convinced there was something wrong with my heart.

I was having odd pains, light headedness, feeling as though I was short of breath. I pestered the gp who assured me there was nothing wrong, and after receiving some Kinesiology from my friend, the anxiety went, and lo and behold, so did all the symptoms. :)

16-05-14, 05:53
Yes that's good hoping mine go as well although seem rather stubborn at the minute with niggly head pains that move from mostly to the right to the occasional left and suffer from tiredness in the afternoons where I cant stop yawning for a good while. its horrible feeling like this but your words have help Thank you :-) x