View Full Version : Pap smear result hpv

15-05-14, 13:49
6 mths ago o had an abnormal smear I had to have treatment ( cells frozen )

Now this ? I'm freaking big time

15-05-14, 13:56
I can understand how this letter would make you very anxious but it doesn't mean there is anything serious going on. They want to check for any abnormal changes which is a good thing. Hopefully they won't be and everything will be fine but if there is some small chance that there are any problems, it will have been caught early. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

15-05-14, 13:59
It would only turn to cancer if you were not treated , doesn't mean you have cancer they may just laser away the cells, easier said than done I know but relax it's very common to get called in my cousin who's 23 has the same and they just do yearly smears on her to check for changes , if any changes are found they can be dealt with before they turn into cancer x

15-05-14, 14:04
Ives already had them frozen though .. It does say that them results are normal ... I've gone 6 mths with no health anxiety and this has brought it right back xx

15-05-14, 14:14
You must live near me if you go to Addenbrookes

15-05-14, 14:18
Just outside cambridge x

15-05-14, 15:10
Ok cool. I am at Addenbrookes next Monday for an appointment. I live in Bedfordshire so not far from you

15-05-14, 17:41
My neighbour has just been to see me and she has been told the same thing today and has to go and get checked.

15-05-14, 18:52
I had a string of abnormal smears 10 years ago. I too had HPV but they didnt do a colposcopy immediately - i had to have 3 abnormals then referral, then another 3 abnormals and the colposcopy. When they eventually got round to doing the colposcopy i had CIN3. I had all the cells burned out and have had annual checks since and all have been clear. My last one showed no signs og HPV so have been told that I can go back to 3 yearly again but i think i will stick to yearly if allowed. I colposcopy is nothing really. If you have had your abnormal cells frozen off then you will have already had a colpscopy because thats what highlights whats abnormal.

16-05-14, 09:51
I haven't personally had this letter but when I had my smear last year I was so anxious that I googled smear results endlessly for the whole 8 days of waiting for the results so I know this letter is sent to many people and is usually easily resolved. I can understand your worry though as when you have health anxiety something like this sends you over the edge.

16-05-14, 09:55
Thanks everyone as always appreciate all your calming advise

I'm feeling better today

16-05-14, 09:56
I am pleased you are feeling better today Sparkle :hugs: