View Full Version : To trust your doctor or not to trust doctor ??? R

15-05-14, 15:01
So I been to the doctor nearly every day for the past week and a bit, long story short I thought I had a brain tumour,pregnant, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer and now brain tumour again. My symptoms are changing or worsening daily! I been to doctor every day or even twice a day!

So I have seen 3 doctors and not one of them thought I had a brain tumor but in my head I have basically got one! I don't know if anxiety is making me feel like this or if the symptons are real!!

So should I trust the doctors ? Do you trust yours if so why?? Why not trust dr google, who has said I am basically dying! Lol!! Funny really!

15-05-14, 15:08
That is a lot of doctor's visits and I am concerned as to why they aren't treating the underlying condition of HA.

Firstly you need to trust them and stop the daily visits - think how much this is costing the NHS.

What help are you getting for the HA?

15-05-14, 15:12
It is hard to trust doctors especially if you have seen them make an error. However, when it comes to something major like Brian tumors, I would think they would know how to sport that. I agree w the post above in that you need to seek help for your HA. Good luck to you. I've been where you are and it's a terrible feeling!

15-05-14, 15:33
I was calling my doctors office once to twice a week with questions, the last time I made an appointment, the receptionist said that the
"the doctor has a question for you", then she kind of had to find her words, like she forgot what he said and then she says; "oh, yes, have you followed up with a counselor?", I said he never told me too. but I said, I am actually. So of course having GAD, I mulled over that one for a few hours.... lord, what next?

15-05-14, 15:36
You need more concrete help for your HA tuesdayschild, Nicola is right. You should make an appointment to go in and talk to your doctor only about your health anxiety, what treatment options they can help you with and what plan you can come up with together to make sure the real problem is treated.

Did you ever follow up on the consellor, or look into CBT?

15-05-14, 16:51
Hi, Littlemisssunshine10!

Health anxiety. Truly, this is what you need to ask them to help you with when you take your next symptom into the doctor. Because otherwise, once the one symptom is reasssured for you as not being what you fear, then your mind will continue to find something else, until you get the health anxiety sorted. It is called symptom shifting and is not based in fact.
You need to stop this pattern. Try to read all the helpful posts you can find here. Here's one.

Best of luck! xx

15-05-14, 17:17
How long have you been doing CBT for?

How about in the next few days, if you find yourself tempted to call the doctor you sit down and work through some of the CBT exercises you've learned on your fears instead. Try to rationalise, think about whether you really need to see a doctor, and make a plan of action. Rather than rushing to go see the GP you've about something you've already asked about.

It sounds like you're learning a few tools to help with your HA, it's time to start putting them into action now.

15-05-14, 18:29
Thank you sadnomore I'll give it a read :) really appreciate it! And honey love I managed to do that yesterday then in the evening my body went into overdrive and I comforted myself by saying I'll go doctor tomorrow, that's how my life has become! I really want to kick HA butt but it's like I don't fully believe I have it. And i feel better after seeing one doctor then I'm back to wanting reassurance. I been doing it for 3 weeks but that was when I thought I had stomach cancer then had an edsoxpy and feel better! I knew brain tumor would be next I even said it to my parents at dinner when they joked what the next worry is my friends even cross illnesses off a mental note lol it's like I'm looking for some answer it's defiantly health anxiety and I don't feel like I can stop until I have had a scan to prove no brain tumor ! Xxxxx

15-05-14, 19:10
Here is what I think (since you asked)...

First off - Doctor's "practice" medicine and they are human. They aren't perfect. Do they make mistakes sometimes? Sure, do you and do I? Yes. Do we hear about it when its in the news? Absolutely. Why? Because its pretty rare. If you think about the millions and millions of people out there who go to the doctor on a daily basis, its pretty rare that they get misdiagnosed. Let alone, by 3 doctors.

Secondly - this is what stress and anxiety do to your body:
1. Frequent headaches, jaw clenching or pain
2. Gritting, grinding teeth

3. Stuttering or stammering

4. Tremors, trembling of lips, hands

5. Neck ache, back pain, muscle spasms

6. Light headedness, faintness, dizziness

7. Ringing, buzzing or “popping sounds

8. Frequent blushing, sweating

9. Cold or sweaty hands, feet

10. Dry mouth, problems swallowing

11. Frequent colds, infections, herpes sores

12. Rashes, itching, hives, “goose bumps”

13. Unexplained or frequent “allergy” attacks

14. Heartburn, stomach pain, nausea

15. Excess belching, flatulence

16. Constipation, diarrhea, loss of control

17. Difficulty breathing, frequent sighing

18. Sudden attacks of life threatening panic

19. Chest pain, palpitations, rapid pulse

20. Frequent urination

21. Diminished sexual desire or performance

22. Excess anxiety, worry, guilt, nervousness

23. Increased anger, frustration, hostility

24. Depression, frequent or wild mood swings

25. Increased or decreased appetite

26. Insomnia, nightmares, disturbing dreams
27. Difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts

28. Trouble learning new information

29. Forgetfulness, disorganization, confusion

30. Difficulty in making decisions

31. Feeling overloaded or overwhelmed

32. Frequent crying spells or suicidal thoughts

33. Feelings of loneliness or worthlessness

34. Little interest in appearance, punctuality

35. Nervous habits, fidgeting, feet tapping

36. Increased frustration, irritability, edginess

37. Overreaction to petty annoyances

38. Increased number of minor accidents

39. Obsessive or compulsive behavior

40. Reduced work efficiency or productivity

41. Lies or excuses to cover up poor work

42. Rapid or mumbled speech

43. Excessive defensiveness or suspiciousness

44. Problems in communication, sharing

45. Social withdrawal and isolation

46. Constant tiredness, weakness, fatigue

47. Frequent use of over-the-counter drugs

48. Weight gain or loss without diet

49. Increased smoking, alcohol or drug use

50. Excessive gambling or impulse buying

That's not from me - that's from Stress.org - if you aren't sick, you are making yourself sick. The mind is a powerful thing and if you let it control you, you will always find something wrong. Do you really want to go from one doctor to another so when one FINALLY finds something, you can say, "Ha, I knew it!" No, try to relax, and definitely (if you pray) pray about it and ask for God's help. Try breathing exercises and therapy. I did all of the above and I am doing a lot better and A LOT of my symptoms went away. Stress was making me sick, not disease.


16-05-14, 09:47
I went to the doctors on Friday over something I am currently obsessing over, usually I avoid the doctors like the plague, anyway within a few minutes of hearing about me she referred me for CBT.