View Full Version : White patch/sore in mouth

15-05-14, 17:13
Me again :(
About 6 weeks ago my dentist said I had a white patch in my inner cheek, where it folds over my wisdom tooth really. It almost looks like a direct imprint of my tooth in my cheek. He told me to monitor it and call him if I was worried but that he thought it was leukoplakia but couldn't be sure. He said to contact him if it changed.

Today I thought it looked redder in the middle so decided to go to the gp. She had a look and said she can feel a bump when she feels inside my cheek so she has referred me using the two week referral, so I am worried its cancer :(

16-05-14, 07:17
Hi. It could just be where the tooth is rubbing on your cheek. I think that dentists have more of an idea than doctors when it comes to things like this as thats what they do all day long and if it looked suspicious then your dentist would have referred you. I think that things like this very rarely turn out to be anything serious so try not to worry too much and at least you will get this checked out very soon.

16-05-14, 09:56
This is a case where the doctors have found a symptom and have some concern, so you have every right to have some anxiety.

Be assured that it's very likely to be harmless, and that you are in the best possible hands.

20-05-14, 21:18
I got the letter with my appointment for next weds. The letter freaked me out. It says two week cancer referral and says the purpose of the appointment is to exclude cancer and if it isn't cancer I will be referred back to the gp. I'm so worried it is. Am struggling to function.

20-05-14, 21:34
Hi please try your best not to worry as it is very unlikely to be cancer, your dentist would have been your best option I would have thought as they spend all day checking not only teeth but your whole mouth for signs of disease, but your Dr is doing the best thing for your health and that's sending you for tests to ruleout oral cancer, yours is more likely to be from your tooth rubbing on the very soft tissue of your cheek.
I went yesterday as I had what looked like an ulcer and it had been there a week,
he said always best to check it out, guess what it was an ulcer.

20-05-14, 21:39
Thank you. This has been a bad year for health issues! First I prolapsed some discs in my neck, then pneumonia and now this. It is just one thing after another and I'm struggling. I just am so scared now that the other things didn't amount to the bad things I thought they would so now this time my luck has run out ... I know this is irrational when I am in logical thinking mode, just wish logical thinking mode was my usual state!!!
I keep looking at the pictures of oral cancer but they all look the same as ulcers etc

24-05-14, 21:26
Worrying this evening....not feeling good :( nervous about weds and thinking thus is the end :(

24-05-14, 21:35
Hi sorry you are feeling rough isn't this illness sh#t if it was bad woulldnt you have heard by now if it was something to worry about x

24-05-14, 21:40
Haven't got any tests till Weds when I see the consultant at the rapid referral clinic so who knows :(

Thanks for your reply xxx

24-05-14, 23:24
Hello, Fairy...hope you are feeling better about things. In the fall of 2013, my father had a white patch, very similar to what you describe, in his mouth. His doc also sent him for tests to rule out cancer. My dad has used tobacco products since he was 12 and he is 78 now. Guess what? It wasn't cancer! It was just an irritation of sorts. Apparently, mouth cancer is very rare. I think your wisdom tooth has irritated the lining in your mouth. Praying you get a good report when you go for tests and that between now and then you will experience peace. Blessings!

27-05-14, 22:49
Thank you x

So worried, am in a state this evening. I just keep thinking I've been lucky before, this time my luck will have run out...

28-05-14, 01:41
you're welcome! try not to worry...easier said than done, i know, but try not to think of things in terms of "your luck running out". instead, remind yourself that most of the time it's not cancer and more than likely it will not be cancer this time, either. blessings!

28-05-14, 23:22
Well, the consultant said it could be any manner of things on a spectrum of nothing bad at all to something serious and the only way to tell is a biopsy which is next Friday. I was a bit annoyed they didn't do it today as the letter had said that I could be there for several hours for tests.
Now it's over a week till the biopsy and then it will be waiting for results. Worried.
I have made my neck sore feeling for enlarged glands and now a new patch of red soreness is in my mouth but I think that's due to me probing round my mouth, looking for things. :(

07-06-14, 20:27
Well I had the biopsy, which wasn't too bad. Wasn't keen on the stitches though - that was strange!
I am now in such a panic though, so worried it's cancer. They said they'd see me in clinic regardless to let me have the results. I'm so scared. I can't think of anything else but the c word.

21-06-14, 00:13
Still waiting for my results :( am panicking that means something bad

01-07-14, 22:28
Still waiting for my results. It's been over three weeks now :( now I have stomach and bowel issues so am worried it is cancer and now it has spread :(

01-07-14, 23:23
Give them a ring tomorrow ask the consultant's secretary if there is anything on the system yet. Best of luck.

02-07-14, 00:04
They say no news is good news ,im pretty sure they would of been back in touch sooner if they found something hopefully its all good xxxx

02-07-14, 00:05
If it were serious, don't you think they would have called by now? Pick up the phone and call them. This way you're not in that mode of waiting and panicking.

Positive thoughts

02-07-14, 10:01
Hey there, I can understand your concern. I had the same concern when the dentist noticed my side grown wisdom tooth was stabbing my inner cheek to death like for YEARS :P there is still a scar on my cheek.

But the first thing she asked me was if I was smoking and if I felt pain when she touched there. I answered no to both and she just pulled out the troublesome tooth. She didn't even need to have a further check on it.
and it was years ago.
Most likely it's nothing really, so don't feel too bad :)

02-07-14, 20:01
Thanks everyone. I rang the secretary and she said it hasn't even been processed yet and I need to call back in 2 weeks :(. She said if it isn't back then she will try and chase as it will have been 6 weeks.

My stomach is so bad today :( gas and a million trips to the loo. Don't know if it's ibs or something terrible. Worried about antibiotic induced colitis as started using a spot cream that can cause this 10 days ago:..

03-07-14, 00:31
I do think that no news is generally good news. If something severe was found, they would be all over it. Try to hang in there - easier said than done, I know. And yes, your tummy troubles are likely IBS - my IBS flares terribly when I am anxious. You've been through a lot of worry.

18-07-14, 23:31
Well 6 weeks on and I get a letter today.... Good news, nothing untoward! Didn't say what it was but at least nothing bad! Thank you for your support xxxxx