View Full Version : What a day

Mr Mannering
15-05-14, 20:13
I have a strange issue whereby I know I suffer from HA have done for 2 years but when it really hits I struggle to tell the difference between 3 things. Is it just HA? Am I actually coming down with a bug? Am I actually dying from something I should have got checked months ago?

Sat at my desk today I suddenly felt overwhelmingly tired, like a machine was sucking the life from me. Drained I was, felt like I could barely move, little bit panic started to set in, not too much but the tingling buzzing feeling in the chest was there. Eyes were stinging and I had 9 hours sleep last night. Needed the loo but didn't go as I thought my legs will not carry me. This must be a bug for sure that i've picked up.... and it is this thought I struggle with the most. Is it a bug? Do I need to take the day off? I cannot tell between HA causing me grief or the onset of the flu for example!!! the obvious dying bit aside....

Anyway made my way home after my shift, can't beleive I got through it. Had a 15 minute nap when I got home.... Woke up like Bambi.. ready to go ... in fact I got football in an hour....

Nonetheless it really plays on my mind and gets me down.

It's safe to say that 2 years ago before I started to suffer from this I really didn't even know I existed let alone anything else..

Over and out!

15-05-14, 20:24
this is me every day, some worse than other. The life is, on the spot drained from me. It really scares me and then im left feeling tired weak and shakey for the rest of the day

15-05-14, 20:47
Me too, I can never tell if ive got something or its anxiety either. I am always thinking I must have a bug, drained feelng tired etc.