View Full Version : Tingling, dizziness, and anxiety

15-05-14, 20:38
Hello all,

This is my first time posting anything on a forum. Lately, I've been struggling with some strange physical and psychological symptoms. Physically, I've been having tingling and heaviness on the right side of my body(mostly right arm and leg), dizziness, and a burning/tingling/pain in my abdomen and other parts of my body. My back also tingles sometimes and a little bit of pain and discomfort. This has been happening for a little less than a month and varies in its intensity. Throughout the day, sometimes I can't feel it and other times it's more intense. I'm also having constant dizziness/light head which varies in its intensity.

Now for the psyche part, I've been under immense amounts of stress lately. I moved to the other side of the country for a job I don't like and is a bit sketchy. I quit the job last week I had to get a colonoscopy the other week because of blood in the stools which really had me worked up but turned out to be nothing. And to top it off, the girl that I've been seeing lately told me she does not want to see me anymore. I am barely keeping it together. I've never had so much pressure and anxiety my entire life. I have had health anxiety in the past but nothing to this extent. For example, I thought I had cancer last summer. At this point, it's hard for me to discern if the anxiety is causing the physical symptoms or if the physical symptoms are causing the anxiety.

I went to see a neurologist who said it was most likely anxiety related and ordered some other tests to rule out more serious conditions. I'm still waiting to hear back. Am I the only one experiencing stuff like this? Thank you for your posts and encouragement.

I am a 27 year old male with no history of physical health problems other than cold sores.

15-05-14, 23:13
All sounds like anxiety to me. I get dizziness which scares me more than anything and I have an area on my back that tingles which drives me mad. Sorry to hear ur struggling but sounds like ur going thru a tough time

15-05-14, 23:20
Sending you a hug :hugs:, things will get better, you must have hope, keep posting and get support from those around you sleep well :)

16-05-14, 11:52
Light head and tingles are common for me with my anxiety. Pretty much if a specialist tells you that physically you are fine, then you are. They do not wanna get sued!

23-06-14, 22:22
For a second I thought you were posting this about me. I'm also a 27 year old male with very similar symptoms. Frequent dizziness and one side of my body feels completely different than the other. It's very strange.

I've had these issues for a couple months now and I've just been lurking. I had to login and post on here because what you're describing hits so close to home. Very curious to see how things pan out for you.

Everyone (friends/family/doctors) has told me it's anxiety, but I still don't believe it. I really want to though!