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08-12-06, 23:51
So, I went to my doctor the other day.. finally.
He gave me a prescrption for Ciraplex and also some Ativan for the panic attacks.
After seeing him, I started feeling a lot better, mentally and my symptoms improved a little bit too.. the physical ones that made me think it's a brain tumor.
However, the symptoms are back today and my anxie isn't.. or at least.. it isn't as bad.. so I'm worried about the symptoms. I've now had THREE doctors including my psychaitrist who I trust a LOT tell me I don't have anything to worry about, and THREE doctors who wouldn't.didn't order a CT scan for me.. so why do I still have these symptoms??? Can anxiety be causing them still even if I don't FEEL the anxiety as much?

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


09-12-06, 14:31
hi yes i do think that your body still gives you the symptoms even though you may not be as stressed
have you ever read any of claire weeks books?
these are great and do explain why we still get the symptoms
try to just relax and not worry
you,ll be fine
take care
rach x