View Full Version : does anyone else feel 'numb'

09-12-06, 00:35
my meds have been increased (and due to be changed but been advised to wait till xmas is over)
now i feel numb...like I can't 'feel'
yeah the sex drive has gone....but I also feel emotionaless (is that a word lol)
its almost like I can't feel true emotion anymore...why cant we be med free.....

09-12-06, 10:41
I found that when I was on meds I felt a bit like that too. Before I was just crying all the time and anything set me off but once the meds kicked I supose I felt a bit numb too. Couldnt cry even if I wanted to. But to be honest, I would rather have been like that than the way I was before. Maybe when you change to your new meds it will be different. These days I am like a blubbering idiot - I even fill up when watching adverts on tv!

09-12-06, 14:19
hi mooks i,m not on meds myself but i know that my cousin was exactly like that(couldn,t show any emotion)as her husband found out she was having an affair and it didn,t bother her in the slightest!!!!!!!!so i,d say that its a reaction to the meds!!!
take care
rach x

09-12-06, 23:21
what meds u on mooks??? seroxat did that to me!!!

kaz x

10-12-06, 01:11
thanks guys...
kaz im on seroxaT...have been for years but dose has been increased...am due to switch meds but dead scared of changing x

10-12-06, 14:57

I can understand this feeling. I went a young relative's funeral the other week and couldn't muster a tear!! However, numbness does have its positive side as time just passes me by and I'm calmer than I used to be. To me, the numbness is worth it if the payoff is being less anxious. Funny how I can still feel anger tho??? I think that's strange.

Kay x

11-12-06, 17:07
I feel like that without medication. I seem to go between anxious to numb, with no chemical assistance whatsoever [B)]

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