View Full Version : Sharp pains in wrist vein

16-05-14, 10:54
I keep getting Sharp pain in my left wrist vein, it's completely random like happens now and then but only lasts for 1 or 2 seconds
It's scaring me now because I stupidly googled and someone mentioned there could be an obstruction :(

16-05-14, 11:02
How can you even tell if a pain is in a particular vein? That sounds impossible to me, to be very honest. Getting a sharp pain in your wrist is more likely to be muscular related, if you're worried about it then talk to your GP.

16-05-14, 17:54
You're right, it's probably not but I just assumed it to be the worst because that's what we're good at. And that wad the first thing that came up when googling, which again something we're good at lol.

16-05-14, 18:18
Have you begun working on your health anxiety yet?

16-05-14, 20:39
Yes, I went to see a university physiologist who was shit. She told me I'm not a hypochondriac..and didn't even tell me how to control my anxiety and panic attacks. I told her I normally sit down and take deep breaths to which she responded, if it works for you then carry on....She then referred me to this website.
The hospital have now booked me an appointment with a doctor who is also a psychiatrist, but there's a bit of a waiting time.
Ideally I needed it before I move to London, as I'm going to be living there without family. I rely heavily on my mum when I'm having a panic attack

16-05-14, 20:45
I'm glad tho hear that you're taking steps to help yourself out, but unfortunate about that university psychologist. It's possible she didn't have the knowledge or experience to help you out, but she should have been better help to you really.

For panic attacks you might find a technique called Emotional Freedom Technique handy. Since I learned it I do not have panic attacks anymore, I can calm myself down fully. It's a weird looking tapping technique, but it's very effective, a therapist showed it to me a few years ago.

There are loads of videos on YouTube that will teach you how to do it for free, if you just search for EFT for panic or anxiety. Is very simple, give it a try! :)

16-05-14, 22:55
Sorry I meant psychologist not physiologist lol bloody auto correct.
I have tried the tapping technique when at home, but never outside of the house lol as you can imagine

Worried 24/7
17-05-14, 04:22
I have been having a similar pain in my wrist and have been worrying. It comes and goes as well