View Full Version : What is wrong with my left eye :((((((((((

16-05-14, 11:10
So for the longest time i having a problem with my left eye, all started in 2011 and gradually got worse. I have been to over 3 eye doctors and all said to me its allergies been to a 4th one and he said its not allergies he said i had some white stuff in my eye which went away with eyedrops, he also told me my pressure in left eye was high and it wasnt because of glaucoma. I kept using the eyedrops he had given me to help relax the eye muscle on that eye and this year i had sever pain around my eye felt like my eyeball was going to explode, i cant explain this but its a horrible feeling since 2012 my eye has not felt normal. SO far my right eye still feels and looks normal. I am tired of going to eye doctors so last month i went to a neurologist thinking this was some tumor.. so i went for a mri brain scan and did blood tests. My hair has also been falling out alot lately dont know whether its stress or what. so HAD the scan done and it was normal,no abnormalities found nothing and it also shows no pressure build up causing the eye to bulge out. The neurologist suspects i get a type of facial nerve headache which causes the eye pain, discomfort and the bulge. Might i add as of last year my left eye started to droop and now shows in all my pictures and looks like im so tired all the time, it has really ruined my self confidence i dont feel good anymore, my left eye looks like its lower than the right i dont know if its cause of the droop or what but i have noticed that my left eyebrow is now looking lower than right which is noticeable when i have my eyebrows done so now im letting them grow out to see if its even or what. My blood tests only show a slightly higher cholestrol level and that is it. My thyroid is normal and so is my iron levels and sugar levels. So i really now am so lost for help plus i have paid so much of money trying to get help from the doctors and tests i now am completely despaired. I just wish i could get some answers as to what is going on with the left eye. The only things i can think of is eye strain but i dont know what else has pain like this has to be soemthing else and for my eye to bulge :((