View Full Version : Confused about these symptoms!

16-05-14, 16:11
:shrug:I have looked this up here before, and posted about it too, I have tingling from my left cheek down my neck into my shoulder; does the tingling mean a pinched nerve? I have been told that by a doctor, but could it be anxiety? I have had this for several weeks now, and I swear it goes away sometimes. I get muscle twitches in that arm too. It started in my upper arm and went down to the top of my hand. But it has changed now it is higher and I feel weakness and achiness in that arm. Does anyone have similar symptoms like this? I have talked to someone on the boards before about it and they said they did the same thing. I find I hold that arm still and like it’s in a sling or something. This is how bad this is getting; yesterday I did pushups just to prove to myself that I don’t have weakness there! (Maybe that’s why it’s like this today?) I get the muscle twitches all over, calves, thighs, both arms torso, everywhere; those went away and were back last night. Does anyone else do that to? But I swear I had a good three days where none of this was happening, just the headache, nausea, heart pounding, dizzy is this symptom shifting?
I have all over weakness though, I guess it is from not sleeping well; I have had insomnia for about two months now, been on ativan for 5 weeks, and 3 weeks on restoril. I got buspar from the doctor yesterday to try for sleep; it isn’t an addicting one like the other two.
Is this from anxiety? From Meds? From sleep deprivation? I am so confused.
I looked up whether or not restoril or effexor causes weakness, and it does, and I am going on like 5 to 6 hours of sleep. I don’t think its good sleep either, I don’t remember going to sleep, I must just go out, and then I wake in the middle of the night and take another restoril pill. The doctor said that was fine, it’s still within the dosage allowed for someone, I wake up so tired and dizzy. So were changing the meds now to buspar at night, I think it will work. Its Friday so it will be a good time for me to try it, last night I was almost relaxed enough to sleep on my own at about 8.
Anyone else have sleep problems?

17-05-14, 13:48
i have all the above and more (eeek)

i think it is anxiety but i also have a trapped nerve i think to do with posture after 10+ hours at the computer daily

20-05-14, 10:48
Hi there. How you feeling now? Any better?