View Full Version : Weird sensations in legs

16-05-14, 16:11
Hi guys I hope someone can help me please I have been very busy with an event that is coming up in a few weeks and even though I'm trying not to stress myself out naturally and inwardly I am I know, so now I am having strange sensations going on in my body first of all I am having like electric shock/zap/pins and needles like feeling randomly around my legs mainly calf muscles, and last night my tongue felt tingly but not my legs, you see this sensation is really random, and at times it's in my hands or arm but the legs are constant today and I'm trying to relax but it seems worse as I'm resting!
I broke my coccyx back in November and now I'm healed but I can't stop thinking maybe that has something to do with it? But it also affects my mouth hands arms so surely can't be from coccyx or can it? I'm getting worried again sorry for long post!

16-05-14, 16:42
I get the exact same things in my legs, hands, and back, it's anxiety, thats what I think, because it comes and goes, and man when you are giving it attention, it really gets you, like our bodies have hijacked our minds, or vise versa?, but it is anxiety, just say that in your mind, I hope you feel better.

16-05-14, 18:05
Aw thank you for your reply!!!
Yes that's what I'm saying to my self " it's only anxiety "
But It's just so blooming tiring having different symptoms crop up everyday I feel exhausted :/
Anyway Thanks again really appreciate your reply ;)

16-05-14, 18:32
I get the same stuff too. There's nothing serious that can cause such widespread symptoms, so chill. :)

16-05-14, 19:06
Thank you! ;)
And yes i am trying to chill, hopefully I will wake up with it gone and hope that another symptom doesn't decide to replace it :/