View Full Version : Horrible mid-back pain

16-05-14, 19:16
So, I haven't posted here in ages, but had various physical problems recently which are getting me down.

I'm currently going through some back problems. I'm tall, skinny and frequently have back pain, so I've come to live with it (seen a physio, had Docs examine me), however over the last week or so I've had on and off really bad mid back pain. When pressing around it seems to be coming from the muscles, but occasionally feels like it's a burning in the spine.

Saw the Dr who didn't seem concerned, got me to do some bending and stretches asked me some questions and said to just keep an eye on it.

Everything about mid and upper back pain seems to scream cancer or underlying illness.

Physio (about a month ago) said my middle back is a little weak, so not sure if it's my posture / being thin that's causing the pains.

I've also just moved house at the beginning of April and have quite a hard mattress which could be related?

Sorry for the waffle, just wondered if anyone else is going through similar problems or can shed any light?

Have been at the docs a lot lately, but any sort of pain seems to put me off doing much, which is no fun!

Thanks for reading
Chris x

16-05-14, 19:35
Everything about mid and upper back pain seems to scream cancer or underlying illness.

In what possible way have you made that connection? :wacko:

If you already suffer from back problems, it's far more likely to be related to that.

I always have back pain when I change sleeping arrangement for what it's worth.

16-05-14, 22:30
I also gave this, plus all the other symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I doubt that's what you have though.

16-05-14, 23:31
I have mid and lower back pain on the left side. At first I thought it was a kidney infection but I realized that since I was on the medication they would normally prescribe for such an infection when it started, it was highly unlikely. I often get back pain, probably due to poor posture. But here's the kicker, my got really bad a week and a half ago - around the same time I moved house. Just like you! My guess is, lifting our possessions, mixed with regular posture issues, and the extra stress that people like us feel during major life changes, are probably the likely culprit for both of our back pains.