View Full Version : Hi. New here

16-05-14, 23:18

I'm new to the site, but not new to anxiety. I was diagnosed with GAD and Health Anxiety a few years ago, I had CBT which worked really well for a while. I'm not on any medication because I'm terrified of having a reaction to it, the doctors don't seem to understand that and keep trying to give me something.

Most of the time I have some control over my anxiety but lately it's skyrocketed and I don't know where to turn. I tried to get back into CBT but there's such a long process and the woman I had to talk to for months on end first (I'm not even sure what she was trying to achieve) was really condescending so I gave up. I have no emotional support from anyone and no one I can talk to.

I hate feeling sorry for myself and I'm exhausted from the effort of getting through each day :unsure:

17-05-14, 09:45
Welcome to the site :]

17-05-14, 11:31
welcome to no more panic
i hope you find this site very helpful just like i have done
lots of love
celticlass xxxx :hugs: