View Full Version : Child's Lymph Node

17-05-14, 01:03
Well, I'm back again riding high on the anxiety wave. My son is now 5. He has a visible lymph node in his neck (front), and he's had this visible node since he was at least 2 or 3 years old.

I've had his doctor see it, feel it & they finally ordered blood work last year (June) to calm my nerves. It did for a little while, but since I can still see that stupid little thing from across the table (when he looks up, etc) my mind is focused on it, again.

In a few weeks we'll take him to a children's hospital to see their ENT to have another opinion. I can't help but think of the worst thing (the "C" word), and it worries me terribly. TERRIBLY.....

If anyone can relate to this problem (the swollen lymph node for YEARS and it be just fine?). I know for sure that if I google then I will see my worst fears displayed in front of me (because of COURSE I googled this a year or two ago & it was horrible).

Help....Please....Thanks! :wacko:

17-05-14, 01:12
Yes my son has one behind his ear since birth. It has been checked several times. I was told the blood work would show the big C.

17-05-14, 02:13
How old is your child now?

I'm kind of counting down the days until he goes to the ENT at the hospital. Even if they just redo bloodwork (to ease my mind). He also needs ear tubes as he always has ear infections after swimming....no matter what precautions we take. Oh, and he has always been my allergy kid...

Thanks for your reassurance =)

---------- Post added at 20:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:15 ----------

I'm not really sure what started the anxiety spiral again...but it's horrid just thinking about what it "could" be.

The good news: he's acting normal; no other symptoms; no fever, no fatigue, great appetite....growing & developing normally....

Just hate that I can always see that lymph node poking out =(

17-05-14, 02:54
I'm sorry this is worrying you. It's only natural to worry about our children. The difference here is that you've had several medical professionals tell you there's nothing to worry about and you have HA. Reassurance, while it offers temporary relief, only lasts a short while as evidenced by your post and hundreds if not thousands on the site. The key is to treat the root of the problem as opposed to chasing a diagnosis for your son. Our children learn from us and we must be acutely aware of our behavior.

So what's the big deal if he has a harmless node you can see? Medical professionals aren't concerned. Is it any different than a birth mark or some other harmless unique body feature? ;)

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
17-05-14, 03:33
I was worrying about my son's because he has several in his neck but he's had fairly large nodes since he was young so I'm trying not to worry. He just turned two and he's had them a long time.also, if your son has lots of ear infections it's possible it's just not ever gonna go down

17-05-14, 22:21
I appreciate your kind words. I unfortunately Googled doctor reports & literature...so, that was a mistake. All types of malignancy diagnosis went along with the size, location & duration of his lymph node.

His ENT appointment seems like light years away. However, I am trying to keep calm & remembering how long he's had this. If he DID have something horrid brewing, he'd probably be very sick or at least have other symptoms popping up. It's been almost 3 years since I first noticed it.

I really really hate waiting with health anxiety. If I knew what the next steps were or what to expect at his appointment, I may be able to power through it & prepare myself....but not knowing & having to wait wait wait feels impossible... I really hate the person that I become while anxious...it's not me. :unsure:

17-05-14, 22:40
My son is going to be 2. There is no way he had something sinister for that long and no symptoms.

17-05-14, 22:50
My son has had this since a baby . He is now twelve!

18-05-14, 00:47
Fishmanpa don't you know we also think every birthmark/mole is skin cancer? :winks:

18-05-14, 14:05
I actually have a similar worry right now! My son is two and a half. He has a bigish (think small marble, or bean) hardish lymph node towards the back of his neck. He isn't sick. We noticed it 4 months ago. We went to dr. He wasn't worried, said it was prob a virus (even if he wasn't reacting to it). It is still there. It might be a bit bigger, hard to tell. I don't know if it went away and came back because I wasn't checking it everyday. I am taking him to doc Thu to check again. Am pretty worried. But logically this is something even Dr Google doesn't worry about. Very common apparently (as this post evven shows)

18-05-14, 14:18
Fishmanpa don't you know we also think every birthmark/mole is skin cancer? :winks:

~lol~... I know... and every case of the runs is bowel cancer...every spot in the mouth is oral cancer... every 2 second twinge in the chest is a heart attack etc. etc. etc. ;)

Positive thoughts

19-05-14, 14:02
My daughter is also full of swollen glands she has them in her neck and behind her ears, the ones in her neck feel like the size of marbles. Its really worrying me at the moment. I have had a doctor feel them and a minor illness nurse who said they are fighting off an ear infection which she had over a month ago. I know they take ages to go and sometimes never disappear but I still can't get this worry and panic to pass.
Would you take yours back to the doctor or leave them for a while?

18-08-14, 18:08
My child ended up seeing an ENT & he was not concerned because he has no other symptoms. The nodes also get bigger & smaller over time (even though they never go fully away). The ENT attributes them to inflammation within the ear/throat tubes. He has him using a medication daily to help reduce that problem. He's being doing quite well (less ear infections & allergy symptoms). We go back in Sept for a recheck!