View Full Version : Plagued with heart fears again

17-05-14, 01:43
Hey people, well some of u may have noticed a lack of half crazed threads posted by me recently I have been on mostly just watching what other people are doing and replying to some people.. So been on my sertraline for a few months now seems to have had a reasonable effect on me. Quite a few people say they notice a change in me .. On a downside whenever I have a bad day people always go 'have you taken your tablets' lol. I would say mentally I'm quite rocky but seem to be having more brighter days then I used to ... In a crappy place ATM heart is still flapping round in my chest. Has gone worse again in past week or say going from quite often to very, very often and tonight is horrible can't get comfortable in bed cos it keeps making me jump! Went to doctors today and had a discussion with her she listened with a stethoscope an said it sounded fine as was my blood pressure but my heart didn't palpitate when she was listening got home and A bad few mins of fluttering. Just feel very down an upset about it tonight.. People say it's caused by anxiety I could be happy as Larry then bang they happen an bring me back down again. I know iv posted quite a few threads before about this... Just on my own till tomorrow afternoon with my daughter and little neice and feeling seriously paranoid :-(

17-05-14, 09:30
Hi Sarah. I understand. So difficult to believe anxiety causes this. I get frustrated because sometimes I don't feel anxious but get the heart racing and palpatations. Hard to rationalise that. I find distracting myself helps. Saying to myself there is nothing wrong and go and empty dishwasher something like that. I have to keep saying/doing that for hours until finally I might feel normal again!

17-05-14, 16:38
i understand this totall from you both, mine feels like it is actuall racing but i dont feel nervous/anxious at the time until i notice any physical symptoms

but i do agree that alot of the time distraction is the key as i felt awful esterday, but managed to shower go for a few drinks at friends BBQ and i never had any strange thoughts and the symptoms were non existant

18-05-14, 01:09
Yeah distraction does seem a good method usually, though I do have days were I am undistractable and my mind is ded set on my fears. Such a hard thing feeling so anxious and depressed all the time