View Full Version : Hypnic Jerks intense !!!!!!

17-05-14, 02:46
Had hypnic jerks for most of my anxiety but now as other symptoms seem to be getting better these are getting more intense. My body suddenly shocking me awake just as im falling asleep, they now last for a couple of seconds and have started making my left fingers spasm as well. Is anyone else having these and does anyone know ways of treating this as it is starting to make me scared of sleeping

17-05-14, 03:31
So that's what they're called! I've had them. I think most people have, honestly! I've noticed my hubbie twitch bigtime falling asleep too when we are travelling, especially if he's driving a lot. I always thought it was related to being overtired. The first few nights on my new med I had it very intense, and I suspect it will happen again when my dose gets increased. Have you considered asking your doctor about a beta blocker? They are supposed to really help calm physical symptoms. ...

17-05-14, 22:08
Mine are so intense and I get like 10 a night, I will speak to my doctor about beta blockers