View Full Version : No Sleep!!!

17-05-14, 14:31
It was a awful night for me! Yesterday i went for a harmless walk/jog with my kids, had a great time chasing my 2, 3 and 5 year old, i'm way past out of shape! lol :blush:
But as i got in bed trying to relax i felt a burning sensation in the middle of my chest and pressure, also pressure in my upper back! :scared15:

Like always i was making worse then what it was but it still kept me up thinking something was wrong!!:weep:

Now all four of my children are up in full force and i feel like a run away slave:huh:

How did i become this????:shrug:
I'm really starting to miss myself:weep::emot-crying:

17-05-14, 16:56
Aw, hunni, sorry for the tired start to your day :ohmy: Hey, did you ever get to pick up the organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar for heartburn? It really sounds as though that was what was plaguing you when you got into bed last night. It likes to attack when we lay down :mad: Maybe at some point you can take the kids to the grocery store? Honestly, that's what I would do when it was hot in the house and they had way more energy than me, haha! We would go around and visit the "sample ladies" and then go up and down the aisles in the nice air-conditioning, (for hours, lol!) :roflmao: The deli would generally have cheese samples I could pass to them. We even had an area with rental movies that on a Saturday would be playing kids movies, and we could sit and share a bag of chips or popcorn. There was a "snack shack" nearby inside the store so if I was feeling flush and they hadn't had lunch, I'd buy them a corn dog or nachos with cheese, park my groceries and get another cart for them to sit in and eat. It was fun! If not this weekend then maybe file the idea away for another weekend over your hot, humid summer to come! Hang in there hunni bun, day will end. You can do this! :hugs: ... Sending you strength and patience!

17-05-14, 17:11
I sometimes get that too on a night Eve, really uncomfortable. Marie how do you take the cider vinegar? Just a spoonful? I may give it a try.

17-05-14, 18:56
Hi, Annie! I have blathered on about the apple cider vinegar trick so many times I'm sure there are some on here rolling their eyes, lol! But it works! I had been on a strong prescription acid blocker for years, and was starting to still get breakthrough attacks for which the doctor gave me yet another med. Decided no MORE :lac: and went to a naturopathic physician. She said to use the organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (Bragg's, in Canada), and I found a little recipe that makes it palatable. Came off the Nexium and never did fill that new scrip.

Pour one tablespoon of the unfiltered (the darker the better) apple cider vinegar into the bottom of a juice glass. Add a couple of teaspoons of honey or agave syrup and stir. Add an ounce or two of water, stir. Then toss in 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and stir briskly (it will foam right up so you may want to do this over the sink). Drink it down immediately, and keep moving for several minutes. Unload the dishwasher, go for a quick walk if you have time. This helps to make you burp, which is awesome. Goodbye heartburn and reflux! :yahoo:

Take this after meals, and as symptoms subside, try to remember to take it daily. It's good for us!

Best of luck with it xx

---------- Post added at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 ----------

p.s. I have gotten to where I can just take a tablespoon of the unfiltered acv "straight", with a water 'chaser' if I'm in a hurry and on my way out the door. I know it sounds backwards, but it's like fighting fire with fire, it kills the acid in the gut! :)

17-05-14, 19:11
No i havent yet, my car is acting up and have to wait til my husband get off so i can use his!
Were watching movies right now, i hope they will take a nap!!!!:D

17-05-14, 20:09
Yay! Good luck, Eve xx :yesyes:

17-05-14, 20:31
Thank you Marie, I will try that :)

17-05-14, 20:32
Chin up eve. A bad nights sleep makes everything worse. Think how long you have been having these chest pains for. If it were something serious(WHICH IT DEFINITELY IS NOT) something would of happened by now. You just have to keep telling yourself that it is nothing serious. The feelings you are getting are exactly what i had 7 years ago. The more you worryand panic the worse they will get.

17-05-14, 20:50
Thank you so much!!
I will keep that in mind!!!!!!