View Full Version : Lung cancer worry!

17-05-14, 19:38
Over a month ago I had a really aggressive cough which made me feel like I was choking/gagging.

I went to the doctor and he prescribed me antibiotics which did work but I felt like it didn't totally get rid of the cough, now I still have this cough but isn't as aggressive and isn't as bad..

It comes and goes throughout the day, usually when I sit up or something, I do smoke but am trying to quit by cutting down, I know it sounds a bit irrational as I am only 21 but I cant help but think its lung cancer just because its still here and not going..

I don't have another appointment with my gp for two weeks and I'm worried that if it is something bad I'm going to be leaving getting help too late..

Please can someone give me some helpful advice as I am driving myself mad with this over irrational thinking, thanks.

17-05-14, 19:46
First off antibiotics would not have any effect on lung cancer that had progressed to coughing stage of disease and you will be still getting over your infection could take weeks to clear completely also your anxiety want help it will make you feel worse, give it a couple more weeks and it will be gone I'm sure.
Also smoking will keep the infection active so cutting down want help you need to quit before you do get LC take carex

17-05-14, 19:57
Hi, thanks for reply!

The antibiotics were only a weeks course and they did sort of help.

Just don't understand why it's still there.

Are you saying that if it was lung cancer I would be getting progressively worse than slightly better? Or would it stay the same?


17-05-14, 20:12
I would say you need more antibiotics as they would normally give ten days for chest infection so go back and let Dr check you out and that will put your mind at rest once and for all, as for still Thinking you have LC I would think you should do the lottery as your odds of winning are higher than getting lung cancer at 23

17-05-14, 20:13
Hi. I had the same worry for a good few months. Persistant cough which didn't go away and a little noise from my lungs occasionally. Had antibiotics but it never really cleared. Then it did. Gone but not until after a lot of stressing. I realise now it all started after the flu. I was so unwell. Got better but the cough remained. I do believe it was a nasty virus that dragged on. No cough at all now. I'm a smoker too. Best thing we both can do is get rid of those sticks. I do think they cause the health anxiety because you know you are doing something that causes illness...

17-05-14, 20:21
I agree I quit 5 years ago, best thing I have ever done not just for health but for anxiety as well, I think it agravated my HA massively, would we inhale a noxious gas being HA sufferers no we woudnt but we smoke knowing Its the worst thing we can do to our bodies.

17-05-14, 21:33
Best advice is to stop smoking. Sorry to be so blunt but to smoke and fear lung cancer is just well.... :doh:

Positive thoughts

17-05-14, 22:13
I got to say I agree with fishmanpa stop smoking ,you say your scared of lung cancer but you smoke ermm dont mean to sound funny but SMOKING ermm :huh:I know how hard it is because Im an ex smoker xx

18-05-14, 08:04
I've never smoked, and I've had coughs like you mention. They get mostly better, but then hang on for weeks or months. They've always cleared up in time, but I'd like them to go faster.

My theory is that after a while, there is no infection left, but the lining of the bronchi etc has become hypersensitive, and takes some time to calm down (just a theory - I've no medical qualifications).

18-05-14, 16:36
I've been trying to quit for weeks, it's so difficult I just use having a cigarette help me to keep stress down..

But thanks for all your replies, means a lot x

18-05-14, 16:49
Actually its now reconised that smoking ie nicotine increases anxiety not helps it

18-05-14, 17:52
I've been trying to quit for weeks, it's so difficult I just use having a cigarette help me to keep stress down..

But thanks for all your replies, means a lot x

My friend Kate (Katesa) posted this on my Smoking, Drinking and HA thread. I don't think she'd mind me copying here as it really speaks to the subject.... When I see posts about lung cancer fears and that person is a smoker or I see posts about how bad someone's anxiety is because they drank the night before I want to reach through the screen and slap 'em upside the head! I understand that it's a support forum but how do you sincerely support someone when they're doing something to make themselves worse?

Positive thoughts

"This is an embarrassing confession but at my lowest point of my lung cancer fears, I was crying to my husband who was doing his best to reassure me. Halfway through, I wiped my eyes and went outside to have a cigarette.

When I came back, still quite upset, my husband was looking at me in this almost infuriated way. I started bringing up lung cancer and how I thought I had it again and my husband - I'll never forget this - got up and started walking towards the other room. I asked him where he was going and he just looked at me and said "You expect me to hold your hand and comfort you through your scary fantasy while you are doing everything in your power to make that fantasy a reality, risking me REALLY having to nurse you through it and watch you die one day? Katie, either accept the risks of smoking and shut the f*** up about it or stop. You can't have it both ways"

I was so upset and even furious with him. But he was completely correct.

I quit a day later."

18-05-14, 18:25
I know there is an association between cigs/alcohol and anxiety. But the trap is with anxiety and smoking/anxiety - it gives you temporary relief. Hence you know that it's anxiety and not cancer or any other illness to a degree. An addiction is an addiction. And those who are addicted need support not to be told what they are doing wrong. But guided to what might be the right course of action. I know what is right but have not yet found the will power to do right. In the meantime, any concerns are genuine and real.

And just as frightening. Support.

---------- Post added at 18:18 ---------- Previous post was at 18:11 ----------

Anxiety can take over. An element of control of one or the other needs to be achieved - addiction/anxiety. And positive steps can be made surely? One day I will listen to what I preach ;)

---------- Post added at 18:25 ---------- Previous post was at 18:18 ----------

To add one more time to this thread. I have never met a smoker who gave up and said it wasn't the best thing they had ever done. It will be when I do it!

21-05-14, 10:46
Can you get those new-fangled vaporisers in the UK? I think they're banned where I am. If you must have nicotine, they may reduce the smoke effect on your lungs (this is definitely not to be taken as qualified medical advice).

21-05-14, 11:06
I have been there. Last year I was actually told I had a 50/50 chance of a large mass on my lung being cancer. I am in my twenties too (just!) and was terrified. More xrays and heavy duty antibiotics later, it was decided I had had pneumonia and it had scarred my lung. I had EVERY symptom of lung cancer, every single one. And it wasnt. It was pnuemonia. I was also a smoker too. Please try not to worry. My doctor told me that at our age, we have more chance of being struck by lightening than we do of having lung cancer.