View Full Version : worried :(

17-05-14, 21:48
I have posted a few times before about having a mouth abcsess and it cleared up with the antibiotics, have dentist monday to have the tooth removed, yeaterday I felt like a swelling lump on my gum but it wasnt painful then by the evening it had gone cauld it have been an abcsess and ita burst on the inside or something?? So so worried it will into my blood stream and to my brain and heart! I have a headache now which is making the anxiety worse :(

17-05-14, 22:18
You would have been in pain if it was another abscess. I had one last year and also had to have the tooth out. How many people do you know that have had a tooth abscess and the infection went to their brain/heart? These are the type of questions I have to ask myself when my HA kicks off! I think it's far more likely your headache is caused by the anxiety! I know how you feel because I got myself into an awful state when I had the abscess and knew I'd got to have the tooth extracted. By the way, my oesteopath told me that the mouth has lots of nerve endings and is very sensitive, as is the tongue, which is why everything feels much bigger in our mouths/gums. I still have a lump on my gum where the abscess burst but it's just scar tissue. Good luck for Monday. Xx