View Full Version : Poo Thread

18-05-14, 06:20
Hi All,
Sorry for the TMI coming up.

I went out on Friday night, had a lovely dinner with friends, a bottle of wine and home for 11pm. Lovely, relaxing night.

Saturday morning came and I went for my usual morning sit on the loo. I had quite a hard BM, followed by several bursts of runny BM. When I wiped there was blood and like a small clot, smaller than the size of a pea. I thought nothing of it, thinking I strained myself. Later on, again, I had diahorrea and after wiping, there was blood, no clot. So I dont know if it just looked like a lot on the white toilet paper. In the evening time, again diahorrea (putting the runs down to the wine as this quite often happens after alcohol), wiped and no blood. This morning, not quite a solid BM but not as runny as yesterday, no blood.

Do I need to get checked out? I know I have three little skin tags on my bum and perhaps it was one of these. I also know that I had had problems with a fissure in the past, several times. However, my mum had an episode of ulcerative colitis 4 years ago and apparently autoimmune issues can be genetic.

There isnt a lot of blood, maybe one or two drips and there hasnt been any since yesterday afternoon. Any advice welcome.

18-05-14, 06:51
You know my affinity for poo threads ;) Good food and wine combined with anxiety disorder = funky poo.

Obviously, a check up would be in should it persist but it comes down to mixing alcohol with anxiety and suffering the consequences. One day perhaps you'll learn that alcohol and anxiety don't mix ;) Simple as that...

Positive thought