View Full Version : not as good

09-12-06, 13:16
hi all just looking for a bit of reasurrance really.as alot of you probally know i have been feeling real good like im getting there,but this morning i have woke up full of a cold,aching,hot,cold and feel awful.i know its the cold but i feel i cant breath properly and feel worn out,im starting to get a bit on edge and panicked.sorry just need a bit of a moan and know that you lot will understand.thanks for reading.take care tracy[|)]

09-12-06, 14:08
Hi Tracy

Its ok to have a moan, Sending you HUGS hun ! You have been doing so well, Think of what you have acheived! We all have our off days, hope tomorrows a better one for you Hun.



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

09-12-06, 17:14
Hi Tracey,sorry to hear you are poorly,hope you feel better soon.
(((((((((((((((((BIG HUG))))))))))))))))

Ellen XX

09-12-06, 19:12
Hope you feel better soon Tam ((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))

Nel xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

09-12-06, 20:02
Hugs to you,

Really is horrible whern we are unwell, it is bound to unsettle you. I am sure things will settle down when you get over your cold. Hoping for a speedy recovery for you


10-12-06, 07:58
hi all thanks for your kind words i did get through the day even took kids to a party and stayed,still feel rough but feel i controlled the panic.hope i can do this today.thanks tracy

10-12-06, 11:16
Hi Tracy,

Hugs for you.

Take Care
