View Full Version : real or worry

worrier 82
18-05-14, 11:20
Hello all just found this site. I am currently worrying like mad for the last 7 days I have had dizziness chest pains sweating headache sick feeling diarrhoea I went to doctors Friday who said I have hayfever and my blood pressure was 148 over 95 so told me to come back this week but all weekend I have been having tight chest and palpitations and I camt stop thinking about it that its something terrible with my heart everytime I try going sleep is like my heart stops and I get so scared I jump up and have to stand at back door I just can't calm down.

18-05-14, 12:03
Okay first of all it's most likely anxiety. But you were right to goto GP. Did the doctor check your pulse etc as well? I would try some calming distractions. Usually for me housework gets my mind off things albeit temporarily. Go for a slow gentle walk. Drink lots of water. If you have to go back to GP if really concerned but all symptoms are typical of anxiety. This morning I was fine. Had one coffee and that was it tight throat, chest and increased h/r but slowly can work out triggers and tell myself my body just doesn't like any adrenalin rushes anymore! Getting old ;)

worrier 82
18-05-14, 12:16
Hello thankyou for reply no he didn't check pulse I am going to try and get appointment tomorrow.i been trying distractions but nothing seems to be working.

18-05-14, 12:28
Just keep trying. It might be much later in day but it will work eventually. It usually does but just not as soon as you would like which is usually immediately of course..