View Full Version : Alcohol and heart rate

18-05-14, 16:35
So I've felt a little anxious all day. Then thought stuff it and poured myself a glass of wine. Now I feel like my hearts racing and I'm having sweats. Checked my pulse and its 90. Not too bad in reality considering I'm moving about a lot at same time. But why do I feel like its racing? It's not. It's a little elevated. Argh I really hate this. Just want to enjoy a glass of wine :(

18-05-14, 16:37
unfortunately alcohol and anxiety do not go very well together :(

18-05-14, 16:41
It's a proven fact that alcohol and anxiety don't mix and smoking is detrimental in general but is totally illogical for someone with HA.

Truly, in this case as with the many, many threads I've read on the forum, it's a matter of 1+1=2

Smoking and Drinking with HA (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=145559)

Positive thoughts

18-05-14, 16:45
It is strange that you can feel like your heart is racing but its actually about right, can sometimes be because you are focusing on your heart, pulse is good so ignore it,relax and enjoy your wine not too much LOL

18-05-14, 16:53
I know that it was silly to pour the glass of wine. But part of me keeps fighting it. I used to be ok! I used to enjoy a glass and have no worries! So why can't I now! You are right Alexandria. I think I'm suddenly aware I'm doing something that raises the H/R so then I focus on it. When in actual fact alcohol can elevate it but its still nothing to be anxious about. But then I am. Round and round in circles!

---------- Post added at 16:53 ---------- Previous post was at 16:49 ----------

Abstinence from all adrenalin inducing food and drink? Is that the answer? Ugh. But why is it an issue when it wasn't?

18-05-14, 16:54
I was told but my cardiologist that one glass of wine sipped was better for my anxiety than meds so I have one glass of wine at weekend,yes it does elevate it slightly but like you nothing major, your heart rate has to go up and down to function and there is no one out there who's heart beats at say 70 bpm all the time nothing does the same thing all day only a clock

18-05-14, 17:01
I was told but my cardiologist that one glass of wine sipped was better for my anxiety than meds so I have one glass of wine at weekend,yes it does elevate it slightly but like you nothing major, your heart rate has to go up and down to function and there is no one out there who's heart beats at say 70 bpm all the time nothing does the same thing all day only a clock

That is great. Love that - 'nothing does the same thing all day only a a clock'. I will tell myself that again and again.

It's just so all consuming this. The H/R anxiety thing. I am slowly developing coping techniques. But it's hard hard work. Thanks!

18-05-14, 17:03
When you finally manage to ignore your heart that's when things get better,do you exercise

18-05-14, 17:21
I do. But I am scared of it - exercise. I worry as soon as I feel tight chested. So I do avoid anything cardiac related incase it triggers my anxiety. Doh! It's just so hard, you know what it better for your heart but worry when it elevates your H/R! I walk maybe half hr every other day. If I spot a hill - I worry!

18-05-14, 17:32
I was exercise phobic nearly 40 years to the point of changing my life to suit my heart, now I have decided to try and ignore my heart and Its actually quite addictive once you except the fact that living and having fun increase your heart rate, exercise fast heart rate is much better for you than anxiety increased heart rate.
It also burns the excess adrenalin anxiety creates, ask Dr for an exercise referal they Really help.

18-05-14, 17:41
I will. Thank you. We are in the middle of a move atm (that is not an excuse!) but as soon as we get up to Scotland I will do that. I want to take control. I am so fed up of not being in control. Your advice has been invaluable. I do hope you have conquered this issue too. You sound in control! I don't want it ruling my life too much longer...

18-05-14, 19:13
Can't say I'm cured as I truly don't think that we can ever say that but I do tend to cope better than I used too infact I had a heart scare again begining of april and had to go for another echogram but I pat myself on the back because I did panic but my docs great and made me realise that anxiety is normal if we are worried/scared which most humans are we just acentuate the feeling and like he said we want to know if there is something wrong so we can deal with It, that made me glad he sent me,heart rate was 180 during echo scared me loads but echo was fine.