View Full Version : 19 Year Old - New to Forum

18-05-14, 19:42
Hello there!

I'm new to this forum, and would like to introduce myself.

I've had problems with anxiety/panic attacks for 9 months or so. I'm a elite runner and practice pretty hard. Up to 10-11 runs/week. Hard intensity as well.
Combining this with constant fear of my heart is pretty stressful!

I rarely get panic attacks any more, but still have problems with:

Visual Snow - hard to describe. Feels a bit non-real from time to time.

Muscle twitching/fluttering - Comes and goes here and where. Now the most disturbing one is my left chest muscle that flutters (think it i)

Constant feeling of hard to breath (swollen feeling in throat)

Constant worrying about my heart. Skips beat, I feel weird things from time to time etc...

Headaches, dizziness..

Eating Omeprazol (to remove a bit of the stomach acids)
Burping very much. Other stomach issues as well..

Fear of neurological diseases (MS, ALS)
I've done a MRI for my head. Looked normal they said.
Still not being able to let my fears go. Should I definitely do it? :P

Have a come to the right place to talk with fellow people with anxiety and stuff?
We are a special kind of people.. Whenever I meet people that have had issues with anxiety, I always feel that they are such nice and great people. I believe you guys are too nice and humble for your own good (That's a good thing though)..

Regards from Sweden!

18-05-14, 19:49
Hi :welcome:

18-05-14, 19:50

18-05-14, 20:43
Hey, im new myself aswell but welcome lol :)

18-05-14, 21:31
Hello and welcome to nmp xx:D