View Full Version : Hard to explain

18-05-14, 21:29
I was just bent over the bath tub washing my hair when I felt like I threw up a little and what ever it was went up to my nose as I was bent over, gross i know but my nostril then went all warm like it does when you get water in your nose at a swimming pool,,
Now my throat tastes like acid and my nostril feel stuffy! Very strange I think it was my saliva and not actually vomit but it's freaking me out . Should I be worried ?
All I can taste is acid now and my nostril feels blocked:(

18-05-14, 21:34
No you shouldn't be worried, it sometimes happens and feels a little uncomfortable but it will wear off. :hugs:

18-05-14, 21:38
Thanks Annie I quickly finished my hair and sat straight down as I was all panicky! Was abit unsure what happend! Thanks for reassuring me :hugs:

18-05-14, 21:40
Have a warm drink and it will take the taste away from your throat. :hugs:

18-05-14, 22:02
You had acid reflux due to bending over,and compressing the stomach Its gross and a bit icky but absolutely harmless, give your nose a blow and like Annie said have a warm drink, did you wash hair after meal that can sometimes make it more likely

27-05-14, 14:41
Thank you Alexandria and Annie I was fine in the end :) just acid reflux! As you said :) X

27-05-14, 16:58
Glad to hear,afterwards Its easy to be calm and look black and be rational during the episode Its not so easy infact sometimes Its nigh impossibble I know, just glad your ok.
Think in terms of the more events like that one that turn out to be nothing really bad does help you deal better with future events