View Full Version : Attack

19-05-14, 00:04
I think im having an anxiety/panic attack! Heart is racing, nausious, cant sit still, light headed and keep thinking im gonna stop breathing!! :'(
Im trying to calm myself down but its just not working! :(

19-05-14, 00:31
As hard as it may be (and i know its so hard) what normally works for me is if you kneel on the floor with your hands clasped tight in your lap and take deep breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Make a conscious effort to count the breaths. It doesnt matter if you lose count. Just count. Normally for me i get to about 40 and my panic has eased slightly. Remember that you are safe and the attack will pass.

I hope this helps.

19-05-14, 08:55
Have you recovered now? Hopefully you have. Sometimes my panic attacks take hours to subside.

19-05-14, 09:21
Thankyou both, it calmed down and managed to get some sleep
In the end! All this is because i can feel my heartbeat!

19-05-14, 09:26
I hate panic attacks.. you always think that your going to die whilst having them. The only reassurance I get whilst having them is knowing that they are in no way dangerous, even after having them for about 10 years I still always think that its not a panic attack and its something else... I cant keep still whilst im having one I always pace around and try to occupy myself with something else which isnt hard to do, I cope better on my own when having one too cause I act so stupidly. .

Hope your feeling better