View Full Version : New member

19-05-14, 01:25
Hello everyone im a new member and would like to say thankyou for the opportunity of being able to converse with others through this forum. Ihave been battling with panic order and depression now for almost 9 years and now find myself in a situation of being generally housebound with this illness, aswell as having heart failure and other illnesses to contend with as well as mental illness i find each day a complete struggle. Anyway if you wish to know a little bit more about me or any advice or help i can offer i would be more than happy to chat xx

19-05-14, 21:16
Hello, Tracy21!! :welcome: I think it's something of a long weekend for many of us, and omigosh there have been a wash of posts with folks having questions, haha! So your post has got a bit bumped down before some of the "long-timers" on here have had a chance to see it, I'd say. People will come along and say hi and welcome as time goes on, meanwhile, jump on in and join the fray, lol! :bighug1:

20-05-14, 00:47
Hi Tracy :flowers: good you found no panic.
I am a new member too...and it has helped me so much to know that there are people that I can chat to that understand.
Look forward to seeing future posts from you. :hugs: :)

20-05-14, 03:03
Hello everyone im a new member and would like to say thankyou for the opportunity of being able to converse with others through this forum. Ihave been battling with panic order and depression now for almost 9 years and now find myself in a situation of being generally housebound with this illness, aswell as having heart failure and other illnesses to contend with as well as mental illness i find each day a complete struggle. Anyway if you wish to know a little bit more about me or any advice or help i can offer i would be more than happy to chat xx

Greetings and such Miss Tracy.

And also greetings to you Miss SAD and yourself Miss Jenny.

In response to all stated factual messages

While I do not seek any factual assistance Miss Tracy, if you should seek to factually converse about the stated conditions you endure, or simply seek factual conversation, I am as per the usual glad to be of use and factual assistance. I am as per the usual also, glad to listen if that fact is sought by yourself Miss or any other DPG and lady such as Miss Jenny and Miss SAD.

I apologise if factual message is of little or no factual use.

Hello, Tracy21!! :welcome: I think it's something of a long weekend for many of us, and omigosh there have been a wash of posts with folks having questions, haha! So your post has got a bit bumped down before some of the "long-timers" on here have had a chance to see it, I'd say. People will come along and say hi and welcome as time goes on, meanwhile, jump on in and join the fray, lol! :bighug1:

Miss SAD[Marie] you are factually correct, and as yourself, I have no factual doubt that other members will ensure all stated DPGs and ladies are factually welcomed.

If I can be of factual use or there is conversation or factual listening sought, I am as per the usual glad to be of assistance to yourselves or any DPG and lady within stated forum if there is factually no one better suited.

Hi Tracy :flowers: good you found no panic.
I am a new member too...and it has helped me so much to know that there are people that I can chat to that understand.
Look forward to seeing future posts from you. :hugs: :)

Greetings to yourself also Miss Jenny and such.

As I stated to Miss Tracy and Miss SAD [Marie]

If I can be of factual use or there is conversation or factual listening sought, I am as per the usual glad to be of assistance to yourselves or any DPG and lady within stated forum if there is factually no one better suited.

I simply state the facts and intend no factual offence to any stated DPG and lady.

How are you all factually this day, if I might be so permitted to inquire and such?

You all should feel factual pride within yourselves, simply for the factual accomplishments in which you excel daily and continue to progress in such, as those whom are aware of yourselves factually do so.

Best of factual wishes to yourselves Miss Tracy, Miss SAD [Marie] and Miss Jenny for the factual remainders of your newly engaged weeks in progression and such.

20-05-14, 03:12
Greetings, Mr Greyback,
Thank you for your kind offer. I am well and I hope that you are also progressing well and wish you a good rest of your week, too.
Take care,

20-05-14, 03:23
Hello Tracey, welcome to the forum :)

20-05-14, 03:39
Greetings, Mr Greyback,
Thank you for your kind offer. I am well and I hope that you are also progressing well and wish you a good rest of your week, too.
Take care,

No thanks factually required Miss.

And no such factual respect or Mr required also.

I shall be better than ever once I resume conversing with my best friend as per the usual Miss.

While I might factually be calm-ish at present or factually become anxious when such resumes because of herself, the factual fault is not her own as she does not cause such herself, and she is aware that I am not blaming herself as she has stated to myself. She simply is the factual object of my anxiety and I simply I seek to ensure the facts and that intrusive factual thoughts have not altered or factually inflicted damage and such.

I do not factually doubt herself, nor do I disbelieve her in any fact or form. I simply doubt myself as per the factual usual.

I do factually hope that my stating such above facts does not factually state or imply blame upon her factual self and such?

Best of factual wishes to yourself and such Miss Marie. If I can factually be of use to yourself or Miss Half also, I am as per the usual glad to be of factual assistance.

20-05-14, 03:59
Best wishes, Greyback. I see no blame to be felt.
Take care,

20-05-14, 04:03
I factually inquired if my statement of fact had factually blamed herself and such Miss.

Apologies if I am factually postponing your factual departure or inflicting facts upon yourself.

Simply a statement of fact and such Miss.

While I appreciated the undeserved best of wishes, I am certain there are those factually deserving of such more so than my stated self.

As I stated, while I might factually be calm-ish at present due to the facts of not factually blaming her stated self, I shall be better than ever once I resume conversing with my best friend as per the usual Miss as I simply I seek to ensure the facts and that intrusive factual thoughts have not altered or factually inflicted damage and such. She is factually missed beyond words known to factual mankind in any fact of language or tongue, despite conditional interference, or simply, interference from stated conditions.

Best of factual wishes to yourself and such Miss.

20-05-14, 04:09
Hi, again, Booboojenny!
How are you doing these days? :)

20-05-14, 06:28
Welcome Tracey. I became a new member yesterday and cant explain the drop in anxiety levels already just knowing I am not alone in feeling like this. Hope you can feel better too:)