View Full Version : Breathing again - I apologize!!

19-05-14, 01:25
I didn't have a bad day today 'anxiety' wise, all things considered. But right now I can't expand my chest to get in enough air and it's hurting my lower chest.

I apologize becoz I have posted on this several times and have been down this bloody road a gazillion times and I should know better but you can't reason with IT!! I could kick myself but I need to be kind to myself as most others are not! Going now as I am rambling!!

19-05-14, 01:29
Have you tried belly breathing? Fill up your stomach like it is a balloon instead of breathing from your chest. It is known to trigger your nervous system to help you relax.

Catherine S
19-05-14, 01:34
Hi Betty, well the fact that you've been through it so much before tells you its not serious and that you have to try and practice whatever coping strategies you have already...I hate this side of anxiety too. The feeling of not being able to breathe properly is one of the worst symptoms of too much adrenalin bombing around your system, but its usually the first we feel whilst our body is getting ready to either fight or run. The fact that you might be just sitting on the sofa minding your own business matters not to adrenalin...it brings forth all that it can to make you feel like crap anyway! Do you know any deep breathing exercises? Such as in for count of 6 and out for 8 etc?

19-05-14, 15:10

20-05-14, 15:43
I didn't have a bad day today 'anxiety' wise, all things considered. But right now I can't expand my chest to get in enough air and it's hurting my lower chest.

I apologize becoz I have posted on this several times and have been down this bloody road a gazillion times and I should know better but you can't reason with IT!! I could kick myself but I need to be kind to myself as most others are not! Going now as I am rambling!!

I do the same constantly. Fixating on my breathing has become a real issue anxiety-wise for the last 10 years or so. I tend to notice a breath that did not 'feel right' and will sped the next few hours (or days!) force breathing. This uses the extra muscles in the chest more than is needed and that makes them feel worn out. Definitely a vicious cycle. But you said yourself you have been through it a million times, as have I, and we are still kicking ;)

21-05-14, 02:09

Thank you swg, Istillbelieve, Incog and wookie for your replies.

I belly breathe all the time, I'm just not sure if I know how to breathe 'properly' after all these years:ohmy:

As much as I hate to say it....here goes.....I have a physical problem with my lungs too and never really know whether it's that or anxiety or both!:weep: I have spent the last four decades thinking about my breathing most days I am awake and it has got really really exhausting:weep::wacko:

Thanks again for replying:hugs::hugs: