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View Full Version : Living alone

19-05-14, 02:13
I searched for this topic and didn't find any previous threads but apologies if it's already been posted.

I am an anxiety sufferer who lives alone. I lived with my family until age 23 when I relocated to another area in order to work my career. I have lived in apartments since then while staying a fairly close distance from my mother and father, who live in a neighboring county.

I am glad for the independence I've earned as an adult but now that I'm in my current situation with anxiety, I'm not sure how much I'm being helped or hurt by living on my own.

One of the advantages IMO is that by living on my own I have to confront the problems without help and can force myself to move forward.

But I've also found that my anxiety is heightened when I leave my job, friends, or family and find myself back at home, by myself. I've always had an overactive mind and since anxiety attacks have come into the picture, I've found myself haunted from day to day with the fear of having the next one by myself. My family is supportive of me but that doesn't always equate to me feeling secure when on my own.

I've wondered if there are other people in the forum who are in this kind of situation, living solo, and what they've learned from it. Thanks.

19-05-14, 05:01
I live with my husband, but because he works long hours I spend a lot of time on my own. Even though I like my own company, I do find that I feel anxious when someone leaves me initially, although if I keep myself busy, the feeling soon passes. I remember I used to feel frightened when I was left as a child, so this fear of abandonment probably stems from that. The aggravating thing is that being with other people makes me anxious too, so it's a no-win situation for me.

My view is that you have to find the right balance for you as an individual, between socialising and being alone. It is probably better for you to have your own space, away from others, so that you can recharge your batteries and be ready to face the world outside again.

19-05-14, 08:03
My husband works away during the week and I think in some ways this has been good for me. Sometimes I have cried on a Monday morning when he has left but I have had to get up and get on with things. If he was home all the time I think I would rely on him too much and would have probably hidden away in my room more.
I have had to go out shopping etc. no matter how hard it has been for me to do.

19-05-14, 12:20
Being alone can create a sense of independence and confidence in our abilities to weather any storm that arises. My partner regularly goes away for family trips to another state, and while it is challenging, it is good for me. Each stay at home alone builds my self confidence.

19-05-14, 12:44
I'm the complete opposite. I'm a student and live with 5 other people. I'm constantly on edge because I can always hear people walking around and talking and it makes me really anxious. I do feel safer living with others though. I'll be living alone once I finish uni and I am worried about it. You're definitely not the only one who is anxious living alone. :)

19-05-14, 13:33
I have lived alone for some years now and although it has become easier, when the night comes and the heat of the day starts falling a very uneasy feeling is not far away.