View Full Version : ultrasound results -more worries:(

19-05-14, 09:08
Hi guys,
i posted a few weeks ago about going for an ultrasound for a suspected ovarian cyst(of course i was convinced it was cancer) anyway, the ultrasound was clear ,although the sonographer said that there was some inflammation around my the ovary that i had just ovulated from & she thought i possibly just had painful ovulation. i was so relieved as i had all the symptoms of ovarian cancer and i had myself in a complete panic!

So my doc rang me a few days ago to follow up with the results & she said while my scan was clear she thought it was a 'mystery' that i had some tenderness in my abdomen & as ultrasounds cannot see the Fallopian tubes shes going to refer me to a gynae to be sure....

i mean to say i am freaked out is an understatement...obviously my first thought is Fallopian tube cancer, i asked her what she thought & said im not sure... it could be nothing!!!! im so stressed out & now have all the symptoms for fallopian cancer. can anyone please help? surely she would have sent me for blood tests or something if she thought cancer?:weep:

19-05-14, 09:12
I have been through a lot re: Gynae. But the end result it was nothing to worry about at all. I suspect that having just ovulated that may have affected any scan. I had a scan just after ovulation and was told my womb lining was thicker than usual. This sent me into a panic! But a repeated scan a little later showed everything back to normal. I think that it was correct to refer you to a Gynae just to check. But I can imagine everything is just fine. So don't worry.

19-05-14, 09:28
Some rational context. Fallopian tube cancer is incredibly rare. In almost all cases by the time patients are symptomatic it has also spread to the ovaries: you ovaries are clear. It is one of the very most survivable cancers. Stick all those facts together and what on earth are you worried about.

The fact that every time your doctor suggests some malfunction with some part of your body you immediately jump to cancer suggests to me your real issue is anxiety. Pretty much every bit of my body has hurt or gone wrong in some way at some point in my life, I've never had cancer and don't plan on getting it either. The reality is if any part of our body is unwell cancer is a very unlikely cause.

19-05-14, 09:39
Thank you both for replying so quickly and talking some sense in to me. I was heading for a huge panic attack.

Serenity, you are right every ache i get i immediately think cancer. I do try and be rational but my mind doesn't seem to work that way when it comes to my body.

I suppose if my doc was worried she wouldn't let me wait months for a gynae appointment.

19-05-14, 10:12
Exactly. The thing is these days with our litigation culture doctors will get you checked out for the stuff with even the remotest chance of, which is probably where part of my issues stemmed from after being tested for a heart attack and then lung cancer and then stroke: the chances of any of these things were negligible but because my symptoms vaguely matched the doc had to do it. I had a panic attack and a trapped nerve in the neck.

Also some doctors think those with health anxiety are assured by endless tests etc. when this couldn't be further from the truth. They're like our drug.